Chapter 20 ~ Volturi Pass By

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Alice walked up the path and saw Oriana sitting near Victoria's body.

Alice took a seat next to Oriana but kept her distance to give her as much space as she needed.

"You're fine Alice..." she whispered.

Alice set out her hand.

Oriana clutched it like it was her only safety.

"Sorry," she said loosening her grip.

"No, you're alright," she said in a gentle way.

Oriana had tears forming and dripping down her face.

"I'm here," Alice said gently rubbing her hand on Oriana's arm.

Oriana hugged her dearly.

"Alice, I don't know what I'd do without you." She said talking into Alice's shoulder.

"I think I'm ready...." she whispered.

"But....can we not burn her....just....bury her in the snow?" Oriana asked wiping a tear.

"Of course," Alice said holding her with Oriana's head on her shoulder.

They were about to bury Victoria but Oriana gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I love you Vivi..." she said backing away.

She placed the note so it'd be clutched in Victoria's hand and then covered her with snow.

Alice was holding Oriana as Oriana placed her head on Alice's shoulder.

"Thanks Alice," Oriana said in a sorrow voice.


Oriana and Alice made it back right before the Volturi came.

"They're coming." Alice warned.

"Impressive, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this attack." Jane said looking around.

"We were lucky," Carlisle responded.

"I doubt that." Jane said.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec, Jane's brother, said.

"Yes, it's not often we're rendered unnecessary..." Jane hissed.

"If you arrived a half hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose." Edward commented.

" missed one," Jane said looking in the back.

Jasper walked over to the girl.

"She was a silent one in exchange for a surrender." Carlisle explained.

"She wasn't yours to offer." Jane said.

The girl looked frightened.

"Why did you come!?" Jane shouted at the girl.

There was silence only the sound of the fire.

The girl let out a terrible scream and fell to the ground.

"Who created you?" Jane asked putting pain throughout the girls body.

"You don't need to do that she'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme said trying to protect the girl.

"I know..." Jane said.

"I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." The girl said trying to catch her breath.

"Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her." Edward said.

{Oh....I knew her. I knew her very well.} Jane thought giving Oriana her full attention.

"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria they would have stopped her. Isn't that right Jane?" Carlisle stated.

"Of course," she replied.

"Take care of her Felix," Jane ordered.

"She didn't know what she was doing...we'll take responsibility for her." Esme pleaded.

"Just give her a chance," Carlisle asked her.

"The Volturi don't give second chances." Jane told them, "Keep that in mind."

"Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane added.

"The date is set," Bella told her.

Jane looked amused to hear that.

"Take care of her Felix, I'd like to go home." Jane said.

Felix walked over to the girl to finish her off.

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