Chapter 5 ~ Parking lot

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Alice, Jasper, and Oriana got out of the car. Oriana noticed Jacob in the side of her eye. He looked pissed.

{please tell me he's not going to school with us.} Oriana thought as she groaned.

"Charlie said you left town," Jacob said to Bella.

"Oh not this," Oriana said eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Yea to visit my mom, why?" Bella asked confused.

"He's checking to see if you're still human," Edward chuckled.

"I came here to warn you," Jacob said to him in a mean tone.

Edward scoffed.

"Wait what?" Bella asked confused.

{Edward hasn't told her what happened?} Oriana asked herself.

"You didn't tell her?" Jacob asked.

"Just leave it alone Jacob," Edward told him trying to make as little talk as possible.

"Tell me what?" Bella looked concerned.

Oriana scoffed as she followed Alice and Jasper inside.


It was passing period and Oriana bumped into Jessica Stanley.

"Hey, Ariana right?"

"Oriana, but yeah." Oriana said correcting her.

"You're one of the Cullens?" She took a pause after each word. She said them slowly and carefully.

"Yeah." Oriana tried to make as little of a conversation as possible.

It made her feel happy to be considered one of the Cullens. Even though nobody in the school knew she wasn't one and she just used the last name to fit into the school.

"Hey! Could you tell me more about the whole Edward likes Bella thing. Y'know, just curious." Jessica said making Oriana stop walking.

"He doesn't have a crush on you. He's with Bella. Plus, the blonde boy you're always with looks like he's got a thing for you."

"You really think so?" Jessica said closing her locker.

"Yea, now I gotta get going."

Oriana speed walked down the hall to make sure she wouldn't be stopped by Jessica again.

She finally made it to history class.

"So class I would like you to turn to page 273 in your books." The teacher said pulling down the projection screen.

Oriana looked in the book only to notice the title.

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