Chapter 44 ~ Preparations

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Garrett, Tanya, Bella, Oriana, Carlisle, and Edward were in the living room discussing what was going to happen during the fight. Oriana didn't speak much unless someone mentioned Alice or Jasper, or the topic included how to help or find them. Her main focus was to find where Alice and Jasper had went.

"Jane and Alec will try to take me out first because I can anticipate their moves." Edward said.

"Jane is one thing but when you go up against her and her brother it's a whole 'nother story. Jane can create pain as high as she wants, high enough to kill the person. She usually chooses slow and painful deaths to get what she wants out of the person or vampire. Alex will take his paralysis like smoke to paralyze the victim. Once he does that Jane comes in and sends pain throughout the body." Oriana explained.

"Too bad we don't all have your shield." Garrett complained.

"Doesn't help me fight, though." Bella added.

"No, but it can be a complete advantage against everything. You learn to control your shield while fighting, that will be guaranteed win against any power." Oriana told her.

"You could help the rest of us." Tanya added.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked.

"I mean shield someone other than yourself." Tanya explained.

"Good point." Oriana said.

"Is that possible?" Bella asked excited.

"Gifts can be developed." Carlisle said.

"In a good amount of time, which we don't have." Oriana added.

"At first mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body." Kate said leading an example.

"How do you do it?" Bella asked walking towards her and yanking on her hand, "tell me."

"Ow." Kate replied from Bella clutching her hand.

"To learn we'll have to go to a training ground." Carlisle said.

"I know where we can practice." Edward said getting up.


They headed over to the 'practice area'.

Oriana remembered walking this path not too long ago.

They made it to the training area.

This wasn't just where Bella was learning to control her power. It was where Alice had an idea that Oriana had one too. Where she practiced with Alice and Jasper.

Oriana ran over to a certain area where she remembered something.

She moved some dirt out of the way to uncover lettering.

"Alice x Oriana" and under it it read, "Whenever you need it most. Whether it be loneliness, loss, or just need a pick-me-up."

Oriana let out a slight relief.

"I'm surprised it's still here." She smiled.

When Alice and Oriana started becoming really close they created a contraption where they put some stuff in there that they had of each other. One side read, "Alice" the other read, "Oriana" there was a hole on each side. One for Alice with some stuff Oriana had put in there that they did together and one for Oriana with stuff Alice put in there that they did together.

Oriana stuck her hand in the hole and pulled up a paper.

Oriana raised an eyebrow then unfolded the paper.

"I knew you would come here so I set this paper in here for you. Check inside the house for a book. A book you've asked questions about before. It'll hold most of your answers. Jasper and I will be waiting.

                                                             Alice <3"

{ Book? There's multiple books I've had questions about. Unless- } Oriana got up and sped inside the house.

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