Chapter 7 ~ Deal With It

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"Alice! Jasper!" Oriana exclaimed jumping into them.

"In history, we're 'learning' about vampires."

"We know," Alice said putting her hand on Oriana's shoulder.

"Well what do we do?" Oriana asked.

"We deal with it. Just don't give away any hints or tell anyone."

"We'll see if me or Jasper can get in your class and help you. If it's both of us that will be even better."

"Out of all your years going here nobody's ever found out?" Oriana questioned with a surprised look on her face still trying to catch her breath.

"Nope," Jasper assured her.

"Calm down, if anything were to happen I would see it," Alice assured her smiling.


Oriana passed by Edward in halls.

"Hey! Edward, what happened to Bella and that mutt?" She said taking a pause before saying 'mutt.'

"It's nothing to worry about," He said in a mysterious whisper.

"Why do you guys keep telling me it's nothing to worry about? Please, just tell me."

Edward took a 15 second pause, "Jacob wanted to see if Bella was still human after her trip to visit her mom."

"And..." Oriana motioned for him to continue talking.

"And Bella found out I hadn't told her about Emmett and Paul's...incident. So, she went over to Jake and he took her on his motorcycle. He's....never mind." Edward was about to walk away.

"No wait! Edward. Where is the dog," She forced while taking a pause in between every word.

"Look Oriana, I don't want you making a big deal out of this. It's nothing," Edward told her walking away.

"Didn't seem like nothing," she whispered.

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