Chapter 26 ~ Bella and Edward Come Home

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  Edward had taken Bella to their honeymoon Brazil. Everything was chill with the Cullen family until Carlisle got an unexpected call.

"That's not possible?!" Jasper exclaimed.

"But how?" Alice asked.

"What's going on?" Oriana asked speeding down the stairs.

Carlisle took a large breath, "Bella is pregnant."

"She's what-" Oriana asked rapidly.

"But that's not possible, Edward is a vampire."

"That's what we thought too." Carlisle replied.

Oriana was in shock.

"I saw a vision of her. She didn't look herself...." Alice said.

"We'll have Edward and Bella come back here-"

"But what about Charlie?" Oriana asked cutting off Carlisle.

"We'll tell him they extended their trip." Carlisle replied.

"Because Bella caught a bug." Emmett added.

Carlisle gave a nod.


Bella and Edward had arrived back at the Cullen's. Bella wasn't her best and her "baby" wasn't much of a baby.

"How you feeling?" Oriana asked in the nicest way possible.

"Alright." Bella responded lying on the couch

Oriana smelled Jacob coming.

"Wolf alert..." Oriana whispered.

Everyone zipped into their place and Rosalie was ready to protect Bella at any cost.

"I'm glad you came." Bella said looking at Jacob from behind Rosalie.

"Close enough." Rosalie said stopping Jacob.

"What your problem?" Jacob asked Rose.

"Rose it ok..." Bella gave Rosalie the clearing.

Rosalie stayed in her place and Jacob walked around her to Bella.

Jacob scoffed, "You look terrible."

Oriana just stood there wide eyed.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." Bella said with sarcasm.

"So you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked.

"Rose you wanna help me up?" Bella asked.

{Wait until you see this one} Oriana thought to herself knowing Jacob would get p!ssed.

Rosalie helped Bella get up from the couch.

Jacob was in shock.

He immediately went over to Edward.

"You did this!" Jacob angrily said to Edward.

Emmett stopped him from going any further.

"He didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle said to Jacob.

"What is it?" Jacob asked with anger.

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac. " Carlisle explained more about his theory to Jacob.

"I can't see it either.....and I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice explained.

"We've been searching legends but there isn't much to go on. What we do know if that it's strong, and fast growing." Carlisle explained more.

"Why haven't you done anything!? Take it out of her!" Jacob exclaimed.

"This is none of your business, dog!" Rosalie yelled.

Oriana smirked and gave a laugh.

"Rose!" Esme called.

"All this fighting isn't good for Bella." Esme continued.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella!" Alice shot back.

"Say the word Alice. "Baby" it's just a little baby." Rosalie said completely done with everything.

"Possibly." Jasper said walking forward.

"It's not so small considering what it's doing to her." Oriana said getting up from sitting on a ledge.

"Carlisle, you've gotta do something." Jacob yelled at him.

"No! It's not his decision it's not any of yours." Bella replied intruding on Jacob and Carlisle's conversation.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you." Edward said.

Bella looked at Jacob as he followed Edward outside.

Oriana glanced over at Alice and Jasper once Edward and Jacob left.

"Bella the....thing in your might hurt you more than it'll hurt you trying to raise it when it grows everyday. Not to mention the sacrifices you'll have to make when becoming a vampire." Oriana said trying to convince her.

"I don't care. I want to raise this baby and he'll live an amazing life. I'll live with Edward, happily, and me and him will have this family.

"Have you ever asked Edward what he wants?" Oriana asked.

"Yes, he said as long as I'm happy he's happy." Bella replied.

"Does Edward want you becoming a vampire?" Oriana asked another question.

"No, but when I do become one we'll live happily with this baby. No one will be trying to kill me or him." Bella admitted.

Oriana gave a straight face with a slight smile and got up from next to Bella and left the room leaving Bella alone with only Rosalie in the room.

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