Chapter 30 ~ Bella's Baby Names

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  Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle went out to hunt so they'd be ready for when Bella gives birth.

Oriana, Alice, and Rosalie were at home helping Bella.

Edward walked in the room as Rosalie and Alice were feeling Bella's stomach to hear the "baby."

"Hey." Bella said as Alice and Rosalie helped her up.

"Are you ok?" Bella asked Jacob.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon." Jacob replied.

Oriana glared, she didn't see eye to eye with Bella but she didn't like what Jacob said about her either.

"This is pretty important Bella." Rosalie told her, "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?"

"What now?" Jacob asked.

"The baby names." Oriana told him.

"Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names." Edward added.

"She hates them." Bella said.

Oriana put her hand so it was covering one side of her face and no one could see what she was mouthing except Edward. She mouthed, "I do too."

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob replied.

"They're not that bad." Bella said looking at Rosalie.

Oriana pretended to cough, "yes they are."

Bella scoffed.

"If it's a boy, EJ."

Oriana squinted one eye and gave a face as if she just ate a sour lemon.

"Edward Jacob." Bella explained the name.

"Ok fine, that one's not awful." Rosalie rolled her eyes.

{Yea it is.} Oriana thought to herself.

"Why don't you tell him the girl's name." Rosalie suggested.

"I was playing around with our mom's names, Renee and Esme, and I was thinking...Renesmee."

"R-Renesmee?" Jacob tried pronouncing it.

"Too weird?" Bella asked looking around.

"It's....unique." Oriana commented.

"Uhmmm..." Jacob tried to think of something to say.

"No, that's not too weird." Edward told her, "it's beautiful."

"And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation." Edward continued.

"I like Renesmee."

Rosalie went over to grab the cup of blood off the table. It fell out of her hands and Bela went to go reach for it.

She couldn't sustain herself and collapsed. Her spine cracked.

"BELLA!" Oriana sped over to go grab her.

Bella's cup of blood spilled and Oriana's pupils widened.

Alice sped over to her and grabbed Oriana so Edward could take hold of Bella.

Alice grabbed Oriana who was still looking over at the blood on the floor and sped out of the room.

"I have to go help Bella, I'll be right back." Alice assured Oriana as she sped downstairs.

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