Chapter 33 ~ Start of Breaking Dawn (pt 2)

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    Edward had tried saving Bella by turning her into a vampire after she gave birth. 50% of the family thought it was possible and she could be revived into a vampire. Other 50% thought she had no chance. Regardless of what they thought Bella looked brand new.

Bella shot her eyes open, they were a firery blood red.

"She's alive," Alice said getting a vision.

"Really?!" Oriana asked with partial excitement.

"Well where is she?" Esme asked.

"Edward is taking her out hunting." She replied.

"Will she be able to control her thirst? I mean she's just barely a newborn." Oriana asked.

"I think she will, Edward would make sure of it too." Carlisle stated.

"Does this mean no more Volturi fights? No more fighting, just...a normal life?" Oriana asked almost relieved.

"Hope so." Carlisle said.


Everyone waited for Edward and Bella to come home from hunting.

Edward walked in with Bella, the family surrounding the newborn daughter.

"Welcome to the family." Esme said politely backing out of the circle and closer to Bella.

"You look amazing Bella." Alice complimented.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle said backing away.

Rosalie turned around holding a baby.

She handed the baby to Bella and the baby gently put her hand on Bella's face.

There was a short silence.

"What was that?" Bella asked.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward replied.

"How did she?-" Bella questioned.

Edward chuckled, "How do I hear thoughts?, how does Alice see the future?, just gifted."

Oriana smiled, { Wonder what that's like. } she thought.

"How long has she been out, 2 days?" Bella asked Carlisle.

"The growth rate is impressive..." Carlisle explained.

"Alright, that's enough experimenting for one day." Jacob said trying to grab Renesmee out of Bella's arms.

"Jacob..." Edward tried stopping him.

"Go on Jacob, tell her. Tell her your amazing discovery." Oriana joked.

"...She's doing great." Edward finished.

"Yea well let's not push it." Jacob told him.

"What's your problem." Bella asked.

"Go on Jacob, tell Bella your amazing finding." Oriana smirked.

"Do tell her Jacob." Rosalie taunted.

"This should be good." Emmett joked.

Edward took Renesmee as Jacob explained.

"Bella,'s a wolf thing..." Jacob tried getting the words out of his mouth.

"What's a wolf thing?" Bella demanded an answer.

"Uhm, you know we have no control over it..." Jacob stammered.

"We can't choose who it happens with, it's not what you think Bella...I promise." Jacob continued.

"Take Renesmee out of the room," Bella ordered.

"Oh god..." Jacob worried.

"Edward don't touch me right now I don't want to hurt you." Bella warned.

"And we're taking this outside." Oriana whispered waving her finger in the air.

Oriana heard Jake grunt then saw Bella take him by the neck and pull him outside.

"Dang, vampire Bella is a power move." Oriana said to herself.

"YOU IMPRINTED ON MY DAUGHTER!?" Bella yelled at Jacob.

"It wasn't my choice." Jacob tried to negotiate.

"SHE'S A BABY!!!" Bella pointed out to him.

"Not for long." Oriana whispered thinking how the baby grows each day.

"It's not like that, you think Edward would let me live if it was!?" Jacob asked.

"Still debating." Edward replied with a smirk.

"I held her once, ONE TIME JACOB!" Bella raised her voice.

"Already you think you have some MORONIC WOLFY CLAIM ON HER!?" Bella yelled.

"She's mine!!" Bella yelled as she punched Jake to the ground.

Two wolves came out of nowhere.

"It's fine Leah." Jacob said.

"You're going to stay away from her." Bella ordered.

"You know I can't do that." Jacob explained.

Bella punched him again, in the chest.

"Edward stop her." Esme suggested.

"He said, 'it's fine." Edward told her.

"She's amazing right!" Edward said to her watching his newly wedded wife fight against her wolf of a best friend.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me 3 days ago? All that is gone now right?" Jacob asked.

"Long gone." Bella said.

Oriana chuckled.

"Because it was her, it was 'Nessie' who wanted me." Jacob explained.

"Nessie!? You nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster!?" Bella yelled at him.

One of the little wolves jumped at Bella and she threw them into the tree.

"Seth  are you ok?" Jacob asked going over to the wolf.

The little wolf whimpered.

"Seth I'm sorry." Bella apologized.

"Go," Jacob said the the wolves wanting them to go somewhere safe.

"You know me, better than anyone. All I want is for Nes- Renesmee, to be safe, happy." Jacob explained.

"Nothing ever made sense before, you, me, any of it. Now I understand why, this was the reason.

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