Chapter 18 ~ Bella and Jake

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    Oriana had stayed by the tree most of the morning thinking about how this could end. It could end with her and Victoria meeting again and everything would be alright, or it would end as one of them becoming fully gone.

"Where's Jacob?" Bella asked as Edward came up the path.

"Did he already?-"

"Not yet." Edward said cutting off Bella.

"He went to check if the woods are clear before he goes."

The wolf that was by Bella when she woke up went away.

"I'm really sorry about last night, it couldn't have been easy on you," Bella apologized.

"Definitely won't be making it on my top 10 favorite evenings." Edward told her.

"You have a list?" Bella questioned.

"All 10 I spent with you. Number 1 is when you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Cullen." Edward explained

Bella smiled.

"I mean this is the 21st century..." Bella said.

"You're marrying him!?" Jacob angrily said.

Oriana put her fist over her mouth as if she was about to cough but was saying "ooooooo."

"Jake I- you knew! You knew he was listening!" Bella exclaimed at Edward.

"He deserves to know." Edward told her.

"Jake stop!" Bella tried running towards him.

"Bella!" Edward said trying to stop her.

"Don't!" She yelled.

Bella ran towards Jacob.

"Tough." Oriana said coming behind him.

Edward ignored her and headed towards Bella, Oriana followed.

She wondered why Edward looked stunned then saw it. Bella and Jacob were kissing.

Bella turned around and saw Oriana and Edward staring at her.

"You saw..." Bella said concerned.

"Every bit of it." Oriana said in a weary way.

"No, but Jacob's thoughts are really loud." Edward replied.

"I don't know what happened." Bella stated.

"You love him.." Edward replied in a forlorn type way.

"I love you more," Bella said to him.

"I know." Edward replied.

A wolf came out of the trees.

"It's started."

Victoria's Sister - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now