Chapter 9 ~ Who Done It

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       Oriana's phone rang at 7:28 in the morning.

"Hello?" She answered

"Meet me at our house." Alice said then immediately hung up.

{Guess I have plans then} Oriana thought rushing to their house.


"I was called?" Oriana said closing the door.

"Yes," Carlisle said giving her a slight nod.

"Who is it?" He said turning back to Edward, "Someone we know?"

"This stranger.....I didn't recognize his scent." Edward said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Nomad passing through?" Esme questioned.

"A nomad passing through wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rosalie fired back at Esme.

"Scent disappeared about 5 miles south of Bella's house." Jasper said coming in through the the doorway with Emmett.

"Someone's orchestrating this," Carlisle said to everyone.

"Victoria?" Bella suggested.

Oriana got goosebumps after Bella said her sister's name.

"I would have seen her decide." Alice said shaking her head.

"It has to be the Volturi," Edward assured.

"I don't think it's the Volturi either, I've been watching Aro's decisions too," Alice said.

"So we keep looking," Emmett said.

"We'll also take shifts escorting Bella to her house," Carlisle said making sure everyone understood.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie scoffed.

"Rosalie..." Carlisle said in a whisper way.

"No she's right, I mean you can't watch over me, my dad, and search for the intruder." Bella admitted.

"And for Victoria..." Rosalie added trying not to make eye contact with Oriana.

"And keep yourselves fed." Bella added.

"I'm not leaving you defenseless," Edward said to her worried.

"I'm not letting you starve," Bella shot back at him.

"And I wouldn't be unprotected I have...." Bella took a long pause.

"What?" Edward asked hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

"She's talking about the wolves," Oriana said with her arms crossed.

Victoria's Sister - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now