Chapter 14 ~ Training

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    The Cullens were getting ready to train for their fight against the newborns. For Oriana it wasn't just a fight but life or death between her and her sister.

Edward drove Bella to the training grounds and when they finally got there the wolves started arriving too.

"Here come the wolves," Oriana groaned.

"Try not to make a big deal out of it or insult them," Alice whispered to her.

Oriana gave her a slight stare but focused her eyes to the wolves.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward asserted.

"They came, that's what matters," Carlisle replied, "Will you translate?"

Edward walked towards the wolves so he could translate what they were saying by reading their minds.

A certain wolf locked eyes with Bella.

"Hey Jake."

Alice walked over to Bella and Oriana.

"Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns." Carlisle explained. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."

A wolf with dark fur like the night sky grunted and looked at Edward.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their old human blood still lingers in their tissues," Carlisle explained. "Our kind is never more physically stronger than our first few months in this life."

Carlisle nodded his head to Jasper giving him the signal it was his turn to talk.

"Carlisle's right, that's why they're...created." Jasper said walking in front of the wolves.

"A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army can stand against them."

The wolves grunted.

"The two most important things to remember are...First, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. Second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that." Jasper said very serious, "And you will lose."

"Emmett!" Jasper called.

Jasper and Emmett were the first to fight.

"Don't hold back." Jasper called.

"Not in my nature." Emmett said bolting towards Jasper.

Jasper stood there waiting for Emmett to run into him.

Jasper flipped him then threw him into the ground.

"Never lose focus." Jasper said looking down at him.

Next was Carlisle who was supposed to fight Edward.

They ran into each other and had their arms in front of them locked with one another.

They fought then Edward got flung but got back up.

Edward did the same thing Jasper did to Emmett, he slammed Carlisle to the ground.

Edward took his eyes off Carlisle for a second.

"One more thing-" Jasper added.

Carlisle got up them slammed Edward into the ground.

"-Never turn your back on your enemy." Jasper sassily finished.

The wolves carefully watched every move they made.

After Edward and Carlisle finished Jasper went against Rosalie.

Rosalie threw punches but Jasper dodged them all.

When Jasper tried to headlock Rose, she kept away and landed in a gymnast like pose.

Next was Oriana vs Jasper.

Jasper went to throw punches but Oriana caught his fist then grabbed his arm and pulled it down almost stepping on it.

Jasper went to go grab her but she was nowhere to be seen.

She leapt off a tree branch and grabbed his shoulders to pull him down.

Jasper got up and wiped some of the dirt off himself.

"Well done," Jasper said with with smile.

"Victoria taught me most of the stuff I know," She said holding her other arm.

Oriana walked back to the rest of the Cullens.

Now Alice and Jasper were to fight.

Alice dodged Jasper's punches and cartwheeled to the other side of him.

Jasper fixed his hair and threw more punches at Alice.

She dodged all of them but Jasper finally got her in his grasp.

He lost his grip on her while flirting.

She zipped away and was nowhere to be seen.

She jumped from a tree and landed on his back.

They kissed then Alice got off of Jasper's back.

Oriana smiled while watching how they are around each other.

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