Chapter 45 ~ Benjamin

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    Oriana checked inside every book in the house and didn't care if anyone was looking at her or staring. She flicked through the pages of different books until one stood out.

"Until you leave"

Oriana had flashbacks to her and Alice sitting on the couch.

"Will you ever do that? Will you ever leave me?" Oriana asked fiddling with her fingers.

This has taken place only days after Victoria was killed.

She remembered Alice scooting in closer and wrapping her arms around Oriana, "of course not."

Oriana placed her hand on her shoulder as a tear ran down her face.

She opened the book and flipped to a page she thought Alice would have used.

There was whiteout on most words leaving only about 8 words on the page.

"We ... will ... meet ... again ... this ... time ... not ... simply..."

{ So there really will be a battle... } she thought to herself.

She took a glance out the window and noticed it was snowing a lot.

She rushed outside and picked up some snow in her hand and crumbled it. This time it wasn't flying out of her hand, it was staying in a solid form.

Oriana was panting, that would mean she would see Alice and Jasper again, but that also means she would have to fight. She would have to go up against Jane again, this time there was no Victoria to protect her.

She heard someone come outside.

"Oriana, am I right?"

It was Benjamin.

"Yea," she said trying to act busy.

"What are you doing outside?" He asked.

"Just ... wanted to enjoy the weather." She tried to save herself.

"How are you going to enjoy the weather? It's cold out, you're a vampire. You are a vampire.....right?" He tried to back away.

"Yes smarty I'm a vampire." Oriana scolded.

"So why are you outside?" He was still confused.

"Can a vampire not like snow?" She tried to argue.

"No they can, I guess I just don't get." He said with a slight smile.

Oriana tried to walk away from the conversation knowing very well she had nothing else to say since she wasn't speaking the full truth.

"Hey! Oriana wait, we can just hang out inside. I never see you anywhere, you're never downstairs or anywhere around the house." Benjamin sighed.

"I am inside the house, I'm in my bedroom! I'm somewhere where I can think! Somewhere that makes me feel like a part of-" she took a pause, "...a part of her is still with me. A part of them." She said stopping in her tracks.

"Who?" He asked.

"ALICE!" She shouted turning around.

Her voice sounded like it was crying.

She was standing there with her hands through her hair, sobbing.

Benjamin walked over and hugged the girl.


Benjamin had escorted Oriana over to the couch and she explained how close her and Alice were and how Victoria was her family.

"So, you and Alice were really close...." He whispered.

Oriana slightly nodded in pain.

"When Edward killed Vivi I felt like I wasn't myself anymore and I still feel that way. Now that Alice and Jasper are gone too and I feel like a piece of broken glass." She shoved her face into her knees.

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