Chapter 24 ~ Getting Bella Ready

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   It was the day of the wedding and Rose, Alice, and Oriana were helping Bella get ready for her wedding.

"What did I say about beauty rest?" Alice asked waiting for Bella to answer.

"Sorry, bad dream." Bella replied.

"It's wedding jitters," Bella said trying to back herself up.

Rosalie walked in the room wearing a black dress with a purple jacket, "need some help?" She offered.

"I could do her hair." Rosalie suggested.

"Really?" She asked surprised.

Rosalie walked behind Bella, "Please, I'm not offended by your choice of groom."

"Just my ... respect for immortality?" Bella admitted.

"Essentially," Rosalie replied.

"Weddings they bring everyone together!" Alice said hugging all 4 of them.

Oriana offered to put the flowers and clips in Bella's hair when Rose finishes styling it.

"Of course," Bella said to her.

Oriana smiled at Bella as a 'thank you.'

"Alice? Bella?" A woman called from the stairway.

"In here mom," Bella replied.

A woman wearing a purple dress walked in the room.

"Oh my god! You look so pretty!" Bella's mom said as Bella turned her head showing her Alice's masterpiece of makeup.

"Crap my mascara," The woman said trying to hold in her tears.

Alice pulled out a handkerchief and the woman took it. She started dabbing the handkerchief on her face.

"Charlie get in here!" The woman called.

"You sure? I don't wanna-" Bella's dad walked in the room and Bella covered her mouth.

"I know, I look hot." Charlie joked.

"We thought you needed something blue." Bella's mom said as Bella's father opened a little box.

"And something old, besides your mother." Charlie joked again.

"Ugh," Bella's mother groaned.

Bella took the clip out of the box.

"It was Grandma Swan's," Charlie admitted.

"But we added the sapphires," Bella's mom added.

"It's beautiful you guys, wow, thank you so much." Bella said handing the clip to Oriana.

"It's your first family heirloom." Bella's mom said.

Oriana placed the clip in Bella's hair.

Bella's mom looked like she was about to tear up.

"Need another handkerchief?" Oriana said pulling one out of her pocket.

"Yes thank you, um..." Bella's mom said but she didn't know who Oriana was.

"Oriana," She introduced herself.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you guys Bella said almost face palming but remembered Alice had done her makeup.

"Mom, Dad, this is Oriana she's...." Bella tried looking for something to say.

"My best friend!" Alice said, "she's basically family."

"Lovely to meet you Oriana, I'm Renee." She said shaking hands with Oriana.

"Charlie," he said shaking Oriana's hand.

Oriana could tell they thought her hand was cold.

"The wedding should be starting soon," Oriana said checking the time.

"Oh, she's right! we should leave you guys to it then." Renee said.

"Mom! Thanks for the gift, I love it." Bella said almost hugging her mom.

"Hey! No smudging my masterpiece." Alice stopped Bella from hugging her mom.

"She's right," Renee said.

"Alright! Time for..... the dress!" Alice said getting it from the closet and showing it to everyone.

They all clapped at the dress.

"Do you want to see it? Cause I want to see it!" Alice said excitedly speed-walking to Bella.

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