Chapter 34 ~ Bella and Edward's House

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After Bella was done with Jacob she lightened up on him and allowed him back in the house. Rosalie was basically owning Renesmee and kept taking her away from Bella. She didn't seem to mind at all since she knew all Rose wanted was to live a happy life and have kids, sadly vampires can't give birth.

The family had gotten back from "hunting", minus Edward and Bella who stayed home taking care of Renesmee.

"My turn!" Rosalie exclaimed taking Renesmee from Bella.

Renesmee seems to feel most comfortable falling asleep is Rosalie's arms, Edward's, Bella's, or Esme's.

Alice and Jasper walked in and Oriana gave them a big hug. They hugged her back just like supportive parents would.

"Happy birthday!" Alice exclaimed to Bella dragging Oriana with her.

"I stopped aging 3 days ago." Bella said confused.

"We'll we're celebrating anyway, so suck it up." Alice imposed.

Oriana let out a small laugh.

Oriana had her hands behind her back and Alice placed a bracelet in it.

She knew this wasn't for her, but a birthday gift for Bella.

"Oh!, and here's a gift from me, Alice, and Jasper." Oriana held her hand out with the bracelet inside it.

Bella took the bracelet from her hand, "Gee, thanks guys." Bella said sliding the bracelet on.

"This one is from the whole family." Alice said taking out a silver key and holding out to Bella.


"Almost there." Alice said.

"My hate for surprises still hasn't changed." Bella said aloud.

"You'll love this one!" Alice assured her.

They continued walking until they were almost right in front of it.

"Cover their eyes!" Alice said to Oriana.

Oriana went to cover Edward's eyes as Alice covered Bella's.

"Welcome home!" Alice shouted as she and Oriana took their hands off Bella and Edward's eyes.

The house was beautiful, it was a perfect place for a new vampire couple. It had plants and lots of trees around it making it hidden from the humans. It had a white front door, amazing view, and was overall perfect.

"We thought you guys might like a place of your own." Alice said.

"It's perfect!" Bella exclaimed.

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