Chapter 10 ~ Protection

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     Oriana was helping the Cullens protect Bella. They got to hunt which was good. Oriana had lost her appetite most of the time but she still fed herself either way.

Jacob took Bella to a wolf meet so Oriana hung out with Alice.

"Is there really a need for us to work with the mutts?" Oriana asked placing her bag down.

"Yes, I don't like it either but it's to protect Bella." Alice said.

"I want to protect Bella and all but I'm going to go nose blind," Oriana whined.

"You'll be fine." Alice assured her putting her hand on her shoulder.

Oriana had stayed until later since there was going to be another meet.

"It's getting worse," Carlisle said turning off the tv.

Edward and Bella had walked into the room.

"We might have to do something," Carlisle said.

"Takes more than one of our kinds to do the damage they're reporting," Jasper said looking straight ahead, "Quite a few more."

"They're undisciplined, conspicuous." Jasper said until Edward cut him off.

"Newborns," Edward said cutting off Jasper.

Carlisle looked up in synch with Oriana.

"What like newborn vampires?" Bella asked.

"No Bella these giant elephants that run around town destroying, demolishing humans," Oriana said sarcastically doing motions with her hands.

Edward took a large breath, "The first few months after the change."

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane of thirst." Jasper said.

{You've evolved} Oriana thought sarcastically. She smirked and let out a slight laugh. {no offense} she thought. {love you Jas} she said trying to make it up knowing Edward was reading her mind.

"Something to look forward to," Emmett said sitting on top of the couch.

"No one's trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Jasper said looking at Carlisle.

"Someone's creating an army," Carlisle said.

Oriana had a flashback to reading Victoria's note.

"...lost my faith in us as a duo ... guess that's all over now ... have fun with the Cullens."

Oriana took a pause before speaking, "It's Victoria."

"How? Nothing has been leading to her." Carlisle asked.

"She....she left me a note before she went on the run, and at Bella's house I saw a man lurking in her home. His scent was unfamiliar but there was the scent of a fatal perfume. The one Victoria uses." She said worriedly.

"Well, you're her sister," Carlisle said.

"We'll now we're definitely going to Seattle," Emmett said jumping off the couch.

"In an army of vampires?" Bella said concerned.

"And they've been created to fight someone." Jasper smirked.

Oriana smirked back towards him.

"We're the only clan close to Seattle." Edward said emotionless.

"...If we don't put a stop to them the Volturi will." Carlisle said.

He took a large breath, "I'm surprised they let it go on this long."

"Maybe they're behind it. In Italy I read Aro's mind, he wants me and Alice to join him but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family is still alive."

"Alice?..." Oriana whispered.

"And how long have you concealed that for?" Jasper asked.

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