Chapter 19 ~ The Battle

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  The battle has begun and Oriana wasn't ready to face her sister.

"You'll be ok," Edward comforted her.

Edward stayed still for a while to track down the fight.

"Jacob just got there." Edward said staring off.

Edward's face turned into a worried look.

"Someone's hurt?" Bella questioned.

"No, she's here." Oriana said looking up from her ring.

"She's close too," Edward said looking at Oriana, "I can hear her thoughts."

Edward ordered Seth to go so Victoria wouldn't see him.

Bella walked over to Edward so she would be under his custody.

"She knew we weren't there, she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me."

"She found us," Bella said.

Edward took a pause, "She's not alone..."

Suddenly a vampire came out of the trees.

"Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you." Edward said trying to convince him.

Oriana smelled the fatal perfume coming closer.


Victoria jumped down from a nearby tree and into a ledge.

"Vi..." Oriana looked at her but she felt scared, she also felt numb.

Victoria looked at her sister and gave her the death stare.

"In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." Edward continued.

"Don't listen Riley...I told you about their mind tricks." Victoria said looking down at Riley.

"I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks of you." Edward continued while protecting Bella.

"He's lying." Victoria said as she looked down on him.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James, it's the only thing she cares about."

Riley looked over to Victoria.

Oriana was just numb in her place. Her sister was on the left side of her and she didn't come in peace.

"There's only you, you know that." Victoria said convincingly.

"Think about it, you're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward tried to convince him.

"Riley don't let him do this to us, you know I love you." Victoria put on the act.

Riley looked away and then slowly turned his head to Edward, "You're dead."

He bolted at Edward and Bella then a wolf came and threw him to the other side and started tearing him apart.

Victoria jumped and ran away as fast as she could but Edward shouted at her making her stop.

"You won't get another chance like this again!" Edward shouted.

Victoria slowly turned around.

Oriana was just staring at her sister as she felt like a tear would run down her face.

"You won her, you want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into ash, when I turned him into nothing." Edward taunted at her.

"EDWARD STOP!" Oriana yelled taking a step forward.

Within a few seconds Victoria ran into Edward.

Victoria got up and tried to grab Bella but Edward threw her into a tree.

Riley was still getting tackled by a wolf.

Edward pushed down the tree Victoria was in and it fell straight towards the ground.

Victoria went to go tackle Bella but Edward jumped on her and tackled her towards the ground.

Riley was fending off the wolf but his hand and bottom half of his arms were torn off.

He managed to get out of the wolf's protection and help Victoria.

She had Edward in a headlock and Riley ran over to hold his arms back.

Bella was running over to get a rock.

"See sister! This is what happens when you betray me and go for the pity Cullens!" She started to tear Edward's head and you could see cracks forming.

"VI STOP! VI PLEASE WE CAN WORK THIS OUT!" Oriana shouted as a tear ran down her face.

"I don't want to hear it, you didn't take my chance so you don't get a second one." Victoria shouted back.

Oriana had an instant flashback to when Jane had left her with nothing in life and left her after their long years as close friends.

"You didn't take my first chance so you don't get a second one!" Jane shouted in Oriana's flashback as people with black cloaks and hoods led young Jane towards the rest of them.

Oriana looked numb in her place.

Bella took a rock and slit her arm making her blood go everywhere.

Oriana turned around and her eyes turned black.

She held her hands in her hair then covered her nose but Bella's blood was rushing out so quickly.

Victoria hissed as she watched the blood fall from the arms.

Riley and Victoria were weakened by the scent of Bella's blood.

Edward got out of their clutch and pushed them off to the side.

Riley hit a rock then a wolf came and finished him off.

"Victoria!!!!" Riley screamed.

Victoria took a look but kept focus on Edward.

Victoria grunted and her and Edward got in a fight. Edward had his arm around her forming cracks in her face.

"EDWARD NO! EDWARD STOP PLEASE!! EDWARD NO!!-" Oriana screamed at the top of her lungs....but her sister's head was inches away from her body.

Oriana fell to the ground numb, sobbing in loss of her sister...for good.

Edward grunted and stared at Victoria's body.

Bella walked forward to look at it.

Edward got up and looked behind him.

"Oriana I'm sorry...." He apologized.

She stayed on the floor with snow around her. Her sister's body lying within only a few feet from her.

She managed to get up and sit herself next to Victoria.

"This is's over. You're gone, forever. I never thought it'd actually happen. Vivi I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you, I'm sorry I betrayed you, I'm sorry that I.....I wasn't there. I'll always remember you Vi...I love you Vivi..." she set down one of her notes, "I meant to give this to you."

Oriana noticed on Victoria's finger was a silver ring.

"You've had it all this time..."

Oriana had tears running all over her face, some freezing on her.

"C'mon Oriana, Alice needs us." Edward said looking down on her with her cheeks rosy and eyes filled with tears.

"I'll let you stay here for a while, me and Bella will just go." He said to her keeping a distance.

She didn't move at all but Edward read her mind which was filled with memories, pictures, quotes, and much more. He found her reaction to what he said was, "alright."

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