3rd Date Or2nd ½ Date

109 15 7

A/N: This gets a little steamy at the end. I hope it's a little steamy! Hope you enjoy!


And we went shopping. Reid bought me some stuff and I had to pull him away from an adult store, if you know what I mean.

"Reid, this is our second date! We're not going into a lingerie store or some porn place!" I blushed. That's what I meant.

"We could find some tasty gels and stuff." Reid looked serious. "Toys." His eyebrows wiggled. "And it's our third date."

"Uh, no! You drag me in there and I will never talk to you again!" I was embarrassed just standing outside.

"Fine. You stay right here, Kitten." Reid rushed in and the door slammed. Now he was alone in some perv store, unaccompanied. All hell was going to break loose. I sighed heavily and walked inside. This was not okay.

I'm not getting into the things that Reid found in the store and I had to finally drag him away. The perv. But not before he purchased a few items, including some tasty gels. I hated to admit that I was curious about that.

We had fun shopping at regular stores that didn't make me blush and he got a cowboy hat for himself at a family friendly store to match my boots. He looked sexy in it and I looked stupid so I got it for him.

After we dropped off our bags and changed. We spent the ride to...wherever arguing if this was date three or not. I say it's a continuation of date two. Reid said it was definitely date three and it required some violations later.

We joked but I was nervous and changed the subject.

"Where are we going?" Then I saw the lights as the sun was starting to get lower in the sky. A fairground. "The fair?" A county fair.

"Yes. It's gonna be fine, Utah." We parked and Reid took my hand as he helped me out of the car, like a gentleman. "Come on, Kitten. That nickname is really sticking!"

I sighed. "Should I even waste the time to argue?"

Reid leaned into me as we walked. "Nope." He kissed my hair and I realized that he never let go of my hand. I didn't try.

And his family was here. We sat in the bleachers with twenty people from lunch but at least I knew some people. Reid held my hand.

"My nieces and nephews are in the horse competition so I promised to be here and I wanted a date with you. Two birds and all." Reid smirked at me and we watched a horse and rider trot out.

Our group cheered as I spotted Jim and Jack. Jack hugged me as he ran up with cotton candy.

"Hey! Where's mine!" I pouted at their cotton candy.

Jim smiled. "Get your own!"

Reid smiled. "Hey, Jim..."

"I'm off the clock, Cowboy!" Jim smiled at Reid's hat then sat and talked with a couple two steps below us.

Reid just laughed. "We do need cotton candy. Be back!" He rushed off and Jack sat.

"Hey, Jack. When did you get here?" I was lost but that was nothing new with Reid.

Jack laughed. "He didn't tell you, did he?"

"No. I'm getting used to it. Helicopter?" I guessed.

Jack just laughed and nodded. "We come here a lot. Dad loves our family. We do. That's my cousin, Tracy, on the horse." He pointed to the arena.

I nodded. "Okay. I met all the siblings, your aunts and uncles this morning."

Jack smiled and ate his cotton candy as mine appeared. Reid was so sweet that he earned a kiss. And then he fed it to me. Yes, of course he did.

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