6 AM?

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I opened my eyes and I didn't recognize the room. Someone was curled up with me. Where was I? I looked up and saw Reid's face. He was watching me.

"You are so creepy!" I stretched and yawned.

"I can't help it." Reid chuckled and it vibrated through me. "You are so beautiful."

I glared at him. "If you think that calling me beautiful in the morning is going to change my mind..."

I stopped talking. Why? Because Reid's lips were on mine. I tried to pull away but I just didn't have the will, self-control or self-respect. I wanted to kiss him.

His lips were soft and gentle. I figured his kisses would be demanding and overpowering but they weren't. I felt like they were asking me if he could continue kissing me. My lips were saying 'yes, kiss me more'.

Reid pulled away finally as he pulled my button lip. "We have work and we are starting this as friends, remember?"

I nodded. "Right. My brain malfunctioned. Sorry!" I was so turned on right now. I forgot my name with that kiss, more like a makeout session. I had my hands in Reid's hair and his hands were on my back and in my hair. It felt so nice being like this with him.

Reid nodded. "Don't apologize, Utah. I would rather spend my whole life in this bed just kissing you but..." He paused. "We have work."

I realized that this was Monday and we had work. I shook myself from my hypnotic state caused by Reid and his words. "Oh, shit! Can you drop me at my place?"

"Just borrow one of my suits. Just do it." Reid glared at me as I was about to argue. "We're about the same size. I have a little more muscle but our height is about the same."

Reid got out of bed and started taking his clothes off as he walked to his bathroom. He was just in boxers at the door. He slowly slid his boxers off and turned halfway, still hiding his manpart. "Care to join me?"

I gasped and turned red. "No! Go!" My eyes were bad and never looked away. I should have but I didn't. I studied every inch of his body that I could see.

Reid just chuckled and walked into the bathroom and thankfully closed the door. I had a full view of his back and ass, I have to say that I approve and he works out a lot. Even his back was gorgeous.

I recovered from my heart attack and walked around his room. There were pictures of Jack and Reid all over the place. They were fun pictures and not like some parent who was trying to be fun. These were natural.

"Shower's free." Reid's voice was too close.

I jumped. "I love this picture of you two!" I smiled trying to pretend that he didn't just scare the crap out of me. I pointed at a cute picture. They were just goofing around at the zoo and it was sweet. Reid was wearing a lion nose and Jack had a tiger's nose and they were clearly growling at the camera.

Reid took it. "Me too. We were at the zoo. He's such a great kid."

"He is." I sighed.

Reid put the picture back on the shelf. "Better stop this talk or I'm dragging you to the bed and skipping the dates." He whispered in my ear. His lips brushed the outside of it and I almost collapsed.

I was gonna need a colder shower. I backed away and rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door. I swear I could hear Reid laughing.

I showered quickly and smelled like Reid when I got out. I was in Reid Chambers shower! How did this happen? All I had was a towel and wrapped that around my waist. I was nervous as I opened the door.

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