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Reid took my hand, my sweaty gross hand. "Kitten, just breathe. You're not alone. Come on. And Jim is with us too. Would he date a monster?"

I just chuckled. "Yes! He loves bossy women."

Reid chuckled as he got out and pulled me to him. We were directed to our table where Jim was already. Abby was there, or I was guessing it was Abby. She had grown up. It had been a long time, fourteen years since I had seen her.

We sat. I just sipped the water that was there. I think it was Reid's water but whatever. Jim was sitting with a pretty woman, Abby. She had light blonde hair. It was down and curled. Mine was much lighter but her hair was still very pretty. She spent a lot of time getting ready, I could tell. She looked nice. She looked nervous.

Reid smiled his polite businessman smile. "Hello, I'm Reid. You must be Abby." He shook her hand.

Abby nodded. "Hello."

Jim cleared his throat. "Utah? Are you okay? I'm so sorry about this."

I looked up and just nodded.

Abby sighed. "May I start?" I nodded. "Mom was a bitch, Utah! We learned a lot when you disappeared. I got older and saw more of what was happening. I was twelve when you left. I was little still. I thought that what Mom said was real. I didn't realize that moms can lie."

"She told us nasty things about you and when I turned fourteen I began to realize that she was a liar. I caught her in a few lies about my other siblings. She started drama when there was none and tried to turn me and Stacia against each other all the time. Stacia won't talk to me still."

Abby sighed and looked around. She turned back to me. "I realized that she probably did that to you too. She made us think that you thought you were better than us all the time. When you left, she said that you wrote a note saying you never wanted to see us again. Called us all kinds of names and it was hurtful."

"I never looked for you because she made us think you hated us!" Abby took a breath. "I realized that wasn't true. I looked for the letter that you wrote or so she claimed. I asked her to produce it. She said she tossed it even though she was a hoarder."

"She said the same thing about Beau." Their older brother. "He officially left soon after you." He was always in and out. "I found him in a homeless shelter a couple of years later. He..." She inhaled.

"He had my phone number in his pocket in case something happened. Police called me. He died of an overdose in some homeless shelter. He left home or she kicked him out? I don't know. But I know that he loved me. She lied about that!"

Abby cleared her throat. "I left for college and she got mad at me. She let it slip that you did the same thing. I realized that you probably just had to get away from her. I never went back. Stacia is just like her though." She played with her napkin.

"I found you finally! I'm not very good at that crap but I found you and that's when I met Jim. I swear. We just hit it off." Abby stopped talking finally.

I cleared my throat but nothing would come out.

Reid pulled me close. "Kitten, take you time. Maybe we should order." He leaned in. "She's not the devil."

I chuckled and just nodded. We ordered and I was quiet until the food was delivered. "So, she stayed a bitch?"

Abby chuckled and nodded. "Yes! I never went back, Utah. Never. I don't plan on it. I made friends in college and I'm on the volleyball team. I'm going to teach when I graduate. I'm in my third year. I work, see Jim and study. That's my life."

I noticed that Reid watched her. She wasn't lying. I knew he could tell when someone was lying and he would put a stop to this dinner if he knew she was being fake. His people skills were on point and he could read people like I could read computer code.

"Jim said you didn't take the news about me very well and I didn't want you mad at him. He's really great!" Abby sighed. "I didn't mean to come between you guys!" She looked at Jim for help.

Jim nodded. "I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to see how serious it was between us. I mean at first, it was just fun. I had fun with her and then we started getting serious and I was scared. I can't lose you, Utah."

I nodded. "I know. You won't." I pulled out my phone and started my search while Reid talked. I hacked into the college that Abby claimed to be attending. There were records of her and volleyball and she was getting good grades. She worked at the cafe at the college too. She got a grant and a scholarship. It didn't cover all of her bills but her job helped.

I checked her bank account and she had a credit card. Her credit score wasn't terrible either. She was being honest with me.

I searched for Stacia. She had an arrest record for bad checks and forgery. She was still at home with that woman. Beau was indeed dead. I found his death certificate. We weren't close but he deserved more than he got too.

Sorry Beau. You deserved much better.

I sighed as I put my phone down. "Okay. Your grades look great by the way."

Abby smiled. "Thanks. I'm on the Dean's list."

I nodded. "I saw."

"You hacked the college?" Reid looked at me with this lustful look.

"I did." I smiled.

"On your phone?" Reid leaned into me.

I laughed. "It's a different system than what's in your phone, Teddy. I can do a lot with it." I smiled.

Reid moaned quietly in my ear. "Careful, Kitten, or we're going to the bathroom for about thirty minutes!"

My heart raced. "Oh." I had nothing.

"Should we leave you two alone?" Jim asked with a tone of sarcasm.

Reid just laughed. "Yes!" He smiled at Jim and moved away from me. "Can we?"

I laughed and looked down at my phone. "So..." I looked up to watch my sister. "Are you going to be around here a lot....then?"

Abby nodded. "Yes! I would love to get to know you, Utah!" She took a bite of some fruit. "Mom was a bitch and you know that. She tried to ruin everything we did so I say let's give her the finger by learning to be friends!" She smiled.

I chuckled. "Okay. Strictly to flip Mom off!"

Abby agreed and we set up a time to do this again. I survived meeting my sister and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could breathe again.

Thanks for reading! I hope we don't all hate Abby! 

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