Chapter Two

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Y/n's POV:

Present day:

"Y-Nnnnnn!!!!!" Happy calls out. "Natsu's sick again!"

"Well of course, Happy. He's riding a train." I say.

Finally, a new mission. The last one we went on was a simple demon fight, this one is a fight against a dark guild. I need to grab a pendant that they've stolen while Natsu distracts them, then once I get it, I get to fight too!

"Y-nnnnnnnnnn-." Natsu groans. "I'm never riding a train again--"

"That's what you always say, silly." I laugh. Natsu and I have been searching for our dragons for years, but we've never got a trace.


"Y/n? We're here!" Natsu yells, revived.

"Erm, I-I know." I mutter.

We walk into the station, and then to a small town. 'I guess we can eat here.'

"Let's eat there." I say, pointing. Natsu grabs my hand and drags me into the restaurant. "OI! Slow down, Natsu!"

I order a simple dish of F/F and a drink, F/D. "Oh Y/n, so plain! Why don't you get more?" Happy exclaims.

"Well, Happy, I'm not a fatty like Natsu and you!" I laugh. Natsu stares at me.

"At least I can control myself when I'm mad." Natsu brags.

I glance at him, frowning. Why did he bring that up? He knows I get uncomfortable about it.


Go. Go, go, go! Run Natsu!

I examine the walls I am in. The chains, and bars. 'DON'T COME AFTER ME NATSU! Leave. Go!'

"Y/f/n. What a pleasure to meet you again, sister." Someone says,

"Who are you." I growl.

"Cristylline, your sister. Well, before we abandoned you and left you with that dragon. Call me Chris!" She exclaims.

"Let me go." I snap, loosing my temper.

"No, and you know what? I won't release that little pink haired dragon boy that I captured either. That little blue cat? Dinner."


"And by the waaay--" Chris sings. "That dragon that raised you, is dead. Momma and papa made sure of that! Now you are going to be a part of our family again! Shaeliea won't barge in anymore!"

I clench my fists. Shaeliea.

"No, she won't die easily."

"Why do you think she's gone missing? Oh, and that boys dragon, Igneel, he's dead too."

My heart breaks. The only reason me and Natsu have been able to understand each other is because of knowing the pain of our dragons leaving.

"No!" I scream. "THERE'S NO WAY!"

Lightning surrounds me, and the chains break. Chris steps back, and falls. She starts to cry at the sight of me. Blood fell from my nose, lip, and even my eye. Too much power, I'm using way to much power.

I grab the bar, and break through the cell. Chris cowers in a corner, but I walk past her, to Natsu.


I never told Natsu that our dragons could be dead. I couldn't.

"Y/n?? OI!!" Natsu yells at me.

"Can you be any louder?" I ask, coldly.

"Hey, I'm sorry about bringing that up." He grunts, scratching his head. "You ready to go fight some people!"

Natsu has flames on his hands, and he's running towards the door. 'Looks like I'm paying, again.'


Where is it!? It's got to be here somewhere! Blue pendant with a gold chain...water pendant. That's what I'm looking for, so where is it?

I see the pendant lying on a pillow in the corner of the room I'm in. "Got it!" I yell, then run back downstairs, to Natsu.

"AWWW. You took them all out." I say, punching one in the back of the head. "He was the last one." I joke.

"Sorry!! You had the more important job though!" Natsu says.


I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. We finally bought a nice house, a while back. I wonder why this crosses my mind.

I laugh at myself then get up. Natsu isn't home yet, I wonder where he's at. I go into our bathroom and warm the water for my bath.

'A bath is exactly what I need right now.' I run out to my dresser and grab a F/c tank top and F/c shorts. 'I guess this'll do for tonight.'


I was asleep when I heard the door open. I open my eyes and look at the door.

"Natsu? Where've you been?" I mumble.

No reply.

"Cmon, Natsu. Where are you?" I ask, getting up from my bed. "Tell me what's going on."

I walk to the door, it's open. I close it, wondering if it was just a coincidence. Slowly, I walk back to my bed, but before I crawl into it, I walk to the window.

'It sure is pretty tonight, huh, Shaeliea.'

The next thing I knew was that someone had a knife on my throat, and was tying my hands. "WHA--" I try to talk, but the person hits me on my head.

Blackness. That's all I can see. Blackness.

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