Chapter Thirteen

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Natsu X Reader 13

Y/n's POV:

I fell asleep when I introduced Kasumi and Natsu. I actually earned quite a lot of Jewel on this mission, so at least I'll have enough money to support the three of us. Charlotte and Happy decided that they'd make a home in the guest house behind our small house.

I woke up because I heard a scream. I darted into a sitting position again, then instantly turned to look at Natsu. He was still asleep, snoring softly. I look to Kasumi's bed and stand up. I couldn't quite see if he was there or not. I walk over and pull the cover off the bed. Kasumi lays there, crying. He was still asleep, so I shake him awake.

"Kasumi? Hey, Kasu, wake up." I whisper. His green eyes fluttered open, they were a lot darker than when I first found him. I realized they were filled with warm tears that were covering the bright green from showing.

"Y-Y/n?" Kasumi stutters. He grabs my hand and I pull him close to my chest. He hugs me tightly, then pulls away, still holding my hand.

"What happened, Kasu?" I whisper.

"I had a bad dream. . . y-you and N-Natsu died. M-my father sold me to a v-violent man and h-he tortured m-me." Kasumi gasps between words, to keep talking smoothly. "I-I don't want t-to go back. D-don't let them t-take me, please, Y-Y/n."

I pull Kasumi close to me again, then pat his head. "Don't worry, Kasu. We won't leave you, because you are like our son." I say. I stand up to go back to my bed after tucking Kasumi in. I turn my back, but Kasumi grabs my hand.

"Lay with me? Until I sleep? Please, Y/n." Kasumi whispers. I smile, then scoot Kasumi over and lye down left to him. I pat his head again, then watch as he falls asleep.

••• (Natsu's POV:) ••• (morning) •••

I wake up and reach over to grab Y/n's hand to wake her up too. I reach over, but she's not there. 'She must be awake already, making break fast I bet. Or maybeee~'

I look over at the shower door, but don't here any water at all. I then look to Kasumi's bed and grin. Y/n was fast asleep next to Kasumi, who's face was tear-stained.

'I bet he had a nightmare, that scream. Leave it to my Y/n to make him feel better.'

I see Y/n stir, then stand up and walk to the kitchen. On the counter was three small biscuits. 'Y/n or Lucy must have left these.'

I hear Y/n groan and hear the bed shift. After Y/n gets changed into her favorite F/c tank top and Denim shorts, she walks into the kitchen too. A small Katsumi was right on her tail, holding her shirt. I smile and peck Y/n's lips then she sits down.

"I made a few biscuits for us last night. It's not much but we have plans at the guild later so we better not eat. And, little Kasu here, has a birthday today!" Y/n exclaims.

"Nice, how old are you turning, Little Bit?" I say, stuffing the biscuit into my mouth.

"Eleven. . . Little Bit?" Kasumi answers.

"Just a little nickname, don't pay much mind! Eleven! Wow." I say.

"Hey, Kasu?" Y/n says.


"I never really asked. . . are you a mage?"

Kasumi looks straight down. His hair covers his eyes, and his mouth was in a small grin.

"I've never practiced magic, but I can do it."

I smile and Y/n does too. We look at each other then say in sync,

"Do you want to join Fairy Tail!?"

Kasumi stares at the two of us, and I notice his grip on Y/n's shirt tighten. "Really? C-can I?"

"Yeah! You'll have an even bigger family there. Natsu helped me join Fairy Tail, when I was lost and alone, and I was happy. I got a family." Y/n smiles. She messes up Kasumi's hair and laughs.

"Hey, Little Bit, what magic do you use?" I ask. Kasumi looks into my eyes and then holds his hand out.

A small drop of water raises above his hand then turns to ice and shatters. My jaw drops. "GRAY." I yell. 'That ice freak!'

Y/n laughs and Kasumi stares with a very confused face.

"G-gray-" Y/n gasps for air. "Gray is our friend from Fairy Tail, He and Natsu don't get along very well. He's an ice mage too."

"Oh." Kasumi says.

••• (Fairy Tail) ••• (Y/n's POV:)•••

Natsu, Kasumi, and I all walk into the guild. No on really notices at first, but when they saw Kasumi, a lot of questions were asked.

"Hey, Y/n! Who's this?" Lucy, Levy, and Erza come up to me.

"This is Kasumi! His father was going to sell him off," I start. "I wasn't going to let that happen, so I took him in! Kasumi, this is Lucy, Levy, and Erza,"

Kasumi nods and shows a small smile, he grabs onto my shirt again. 'I'm glad Kasu finds me as someone he can trust.'

"Yo, Little Bit!" Natsu calls. Kasumi turns around. "Come meet some people!"

Kasumi walks over to Natsu, and he gets introduced to Gajeel, Gray, and Loke. I talk to my friends for a long while, Kasumi had grabbed my shirt again.

I mess up Kasumi's hair and pat him, "Today is Kasu's birthday! He's going to be Eleven." I say. Kasumi looks down and shows off a small smile again. He nods, then I know what was next.


I looks down at Kasu and laugh. "You want some cake?" I say.

"Okay!" Kasumi says, smirking.

"Well, Let's party!" I yell, laughing.

Hey Y/n! thank you again for all the support on this story an  I promise the next chapter will be REALLY long. there is going to be a lot of feels and excitement in it so be prepared.  Luv you, ~Maddie

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