Chapter Four

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Y/n's POV:

I manage to get my foot free and kick the man in front of me. Natsu runs at me to release me completely.

"Hurry up, Natsu." I yawn.

"I'm trying! OI! Watch it!" Natsu exclaims. The next thing I know is that I'm in water, no air in my lungs.

Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have trusted that stupid pool! My hands are binded to this pillar and now I'm drowning, great.

A hand meets my back as I'm dragged back to the surface, my hands free. "Thank you, Natsu." I whisper, catching my breath.

"Let's beat some people up." He says, helping me up.

"Aye sir!" Happy appears.

"Oi Happy! Come to join us?" I call, getting into my battle stance.


I charge at the first Mage I see. He was bulky, in his thirties maybe. His (h/c) blew in the breeze. He's my father, I can tell.

"So we meet, Y/n." He says.

"SCREW YOU! LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAR!" I scream, attacking.

He easily recovers. 'Crap! This guy's good.'

"Now is that anyway to greet your father?"

"You sent Chris after me. Now you've kidnapped me! I WOULDN'T CALL YOU MY FATHER IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE!" This time I swing at my father's stomach. He groans as I make contact.

"Y/n! Watch it over there!" Natsu shouts.

"Yeah! I'll handle him!" I call back, smiling.

I swing at my father's face this time, he blocks. His fist makes contact with my jaw, and I trip him. I punch his eye with a lightning bolt on my hand, and he is instantly knocked out.

I start to stand up, but am tripped. I look at my feet to see my father already recovered. He punches my gut and nose, dislocating it. I cry out in pain.

"Damn!" I cry.

"This was not how I wanted you to die, but sadly, it is how you will." He whispers, pulling a knife from his shoe.

He slices my cheek, arm, and stomach. Each time I grunt with pain. 'Wait until his guard is down. Wait.'

As soon as father's guard is down, I head-butt him. He falls back, holding his head and groaning. I take the knife from the ground and stab his leg. He cries out again, and I run, grabbing Natsu along the way.

"Let's get out of here!" I say, pulling him.

"Who was that?" Natsu asks as we run.

"My father." I whisper. "He's the one who kidnapped me and sent Chris to capture us too."

"He left me a note. It told me to meet him here today, luckily I found you." Natsu says, playfully punching my arm.

"Ow." I whine. "I have a bruise there! Idiot!"

••• Timeskip to your house •••

I make a sandwich while waiting for Natsu to get out of the bath. I'll mend his small wounds then take a bath myself. After that, he'll mend me.

I lie down on the couch, but soon get up and walk to the bathroom door. I knock, and an almost nude Natsu opens the door.


"I-I was going to see when you were getting out." I say, flustered. What's with me!? I've seen him naked before, when we were six, but still! I live with him!

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