Chapter Twenty

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Natsu X Reader 20

Y/n's POV:

"Fancy meeting you here, Y/n."

"The same goes to you," I looked at him as if I didn't know who he is.


"Natsu." I repeat. "This is Mika, Kami, and Nate."

They all nod and move a small bit closer to me. I sigh and set my hand in my hair.

"May I speak to you alone, Y/n?" Natsu says.

"Sure, whatever."

Natsu and I walked to a tree that was a few meters away. He looked at me with a pain yet anger.

"What happened to you!?" He growled.

"What do you mean? I'm Y/n RavenSeir, the person who I've always been. Mika is my twin sister and Kami and Nate are my best friends. My mother runs the RavenSeir guild and I am a lightning Mage. Fun facts, right?" I laugh a little.

"You're Y/f/n. My girlfriend, my lover. I met you when your dragon left you, I led you to Fairy Tail--" Natsu looks at my arm and sees no guild mark from Fairy Tail. He looks to my stomach then and sneers.

"Look, Natsu, I don't know what happened before I lost my memory. I remember what has happened since I woke up and my mother is taking care of me. It's cool if you still think of me like a lover but, well, I don't. We aren't still together and I don't think we will be again. You're just going to have to get that okay?" I say, staring into Natsu's eyes.

"Fine. I'll just warn you, Fairy Tail is going to beat RavenSeir. You're going down."

"In your little fire dragon dreams." I smirk. "Have fun losing."

Natsu glares at me and walks back to his group of friends. The Lucy girl who had been with me when I woke up looked to me and frowned. I walked back to my group and we talked until the rumble.

"What happened?" Mika asked.

"Apparently I had been his lover. It's nothing now, I broke it off. With him and Fairy Tail." I replied.

"You two were dating?" Nate mumbled.

"Yeah, not anymore though, I promise."


"SHUT UP KAMI!" I covered her mouth and laughed.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and I turned around. I had almost slapped them for scaring me but they grabbed my arm and pulled me to behind a tree.

"I need your help." They breathed.

"What? Who are you? What's going on?"

"Someone in RavenSeir is after Mika. They want to kill her, I heard them talking about it but I didn't see their face. You have to help! She's your sister!"

"Okay, okay. Slow down, tell me what all happened, I'll help." I sighed.

"I was walking in a hallway, I don't think I should have been there but I was, and I heard a few people talking. They said something about a dark guild and missions. I heard on of them say that their mission was to kill one of the RavenSeir twins, the one with the most power, and they thought they ment Mika. Now they're going to kill her!"

I felt like the world had stopped while I thought.

'Mika has to stay by me tonight. I can't leave, I have to beat Natsu, but she has to be protected the whole night. Oh, damn, cmon! Why now!? When I finally get to meet her!'

"I'm going to help. Make sure she isn't out of your sight tonight, at all." I say quickly, then run back to my three friends.

Mother came into view finally as the sun started to set in the sky. We all sighed as she was friendly to the other guild master. He hadn't noticed me yet but he would, I was the first fighter. This rumble wasn't the same as others. It was a one on one battle between a member of each guild. Whoever had the most wins out of 50 battles won.

"First," my mother started. "Lucy Heartfilia v.s. Y/f/n!"

The other master looked up quickly and the rest of the guild started whispering to each other. I stepped up slowly and looked Lucy dead in the eyes. "Good luck." I sighed.

Lucy nodded and summoned her spirit almost immediately after mother said go. The fight was too easy, I had taken her down. 1/50 for RavenSeir.

It was now 25/50 for RavenSeir and 24/50 for Fairy Tail. Whoever won the next round could decide who wins the rumble. It was Mika vs a Mira-Jane now.

"GO MIKA!" Kami, Nate, and I yelled out. RavenSeir went wild for a moment as her name was announced. It was a a few seconds after that I heard a shrill scream.

I stood up immediately and looked for the source. Mika was lying on the ground a little bit back and was crying. She was covered with blood and tears. She was in a magic circle made for traps. My eyes started to water as I heard her scream again.

"DAMN!" I yelled and ran toward the cage. I slammed myself against it and my arm was cut badly.

I ignored the pain and slammed myself agains the circle multiple times. I was getting tired and I heard Mika speak to me.

"Y-Y/n." She whimpered.

"Yes?" I cried in tears.

"Take care of mother, Kami, Nate. Make sure they're okay?"

"I'm getting you out." My voice cracked. "I promise."

I kicked the cage and a sharp pain shot up my leg and back. I yelled them looked down at Mika. She had stopped moving. Her face was soft and her eyes were closed. Her stomach didn't move upward anymore, she had stopped breathing. She was dead.

I fell to the ground, holding my arms, and cried. Nate and Kami were let go after being restrained from coming towards me by the others. They ran to me in tears and embraced me. Mother was crying and Natsu looked at me. He walked to me and knelt down.

"Y/n?" He asked softly, his voice pained. "Y/n, come here."

I instantly flung myself into his arms and cried into his chest. I felt something for the dragon slayer, and he felt the same for me. He stroked my hair and hugged me tightly.

After a while, Kami took care of my wounds and left me in the infirmary. I cried to myself again and again.

'Mika is dead. My sister is dead. She can't come back.'

Kami and Nate walked in and sat on my bed.

"We miss her too." Nate whispered.

"We're here for you Y/n." Kami said.

"Thank you guys." I said and let them lay by me as I slept.

Authors Note:
So I know, FEELZ, also I haven't been updated in forever! I'm sorrrrrrrrry! I'll try and update more! By the way , this story will probably have 40 chapters and no sequel but I'm still thinking about it! Thanks for all the support and I'll see you again soon?

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