Chapter Nine

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Y/n's POV:

'Natsu. I have to change his fate. I have to stop him from dying, but I don't know how. If I don't go on the job neither of us will die, but I have to take him down! I have to destroy my father!'

"Y/n?" I hear a distant voice. "Are you awake?"

"No." I groan.

"Oh c'mon, Y/n! Get up! Get up!!" Happy.

"It's almost lunch time!" Natsu.

I shoot up and off of the bed. 'Crap! They haven't eaten all day!' I stumble into the kitchen and start to cook. I hear Natsu and Happy's laughs from inside my room.

I giggle at myself. 'I'm overthinking everything. I just need to relax and I'll be fine. Forget about everything for a while, have fun with Natsu and all my friends.'

••• (Day of the Job) •••

I slowly walk back to the guild, I was careful not to wake up Natsu. I kissed his head and left breakfast on the table. 'Forgive me. Natsu.'

"Lucy." I yell when I walk into the guild. "I'm here for the job."

"Y/n? I thought Natsu was going too! I don't know if you can do it alo--"

"I'm here for the job that you offered us. We'll be leaving at the next train." I growl.

"Okay." Lucy whispers. She disappears and reappears with a job request in her hand. "Here you go. Be careful, okay?"

"Of course." I nod and run out of the guild.

'I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm sorry, Natsu. I'm sorry, Fairy Tail. I'll try my hardest to come back, but if what Lucy and Erza tell me is true, I'll be dead tonight.'

••• (Battling The Demon) •••

'Wow, this is easier that I thought!'

"Lightning Dragon Roar!" I yell, attacking the demon. It falls, and I fist pump the air. "Gotcha!"

I make my way into the mountain, hoping that my Father won't notice me right away. 'Damn, this is hard.'

••• (battling Y/n's Father) •••

Everything was the same. That dream was true, and Natsu was standing at the door of the cave. I wasn't paying attention to my father, so he does the exact thing he did in my dream. I was lying on the ground, almost dead, when I realize what I can do to save Natsu.

••• (Natsu's Pov) •••

I yell at the bastard Y/n had to call her father. I attack. 'He hurt Y/n. He's gonna pay. I won't let him get away with hurting Y/n!'

I was about to attack again, when I noticed the man already throwing magic towards me. 'This is it. I'm so dead.'

I prepare for impact, and look at Y/n. She wasn't in the spot she was supposed to be.

"Natsu!" I hear, and then see a head full of (h/c) locks fly in front of me.

The attack had hit Y/n.

"Y/n? No. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" I yell. I catch Y/n as she falls to the ground. Her father laughs, and turns his back.

I see determination in Y/n's dying eyes, and watch as she makes a spear out of her lightning. "Stop it Y/n." I whisper. "You'll die."

She throws her spear into her father's back, and watches as he turns around in shock. He stares at the limp girl in my arms, and falls to the ground. We watch him take his final breath, and then I turn to face Y/n.

"You did it." I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. "Now you've got to hold on, okay? You have to stay with me, please."

"N-Natsu." Y/n groans. She coughs. "I l-love yo-u. Foreve-r."

"I love you, Y/n! You can't die. Not now. Not after I'm finally happy with you!" I cry. I pick her up bridal style, and run out of the cave, heading to the infirmary as fast as I could.

••• (Fairy Tail Infirmary) •••

Lucy, Erza, Levy, and I sit outside Y/n's room. Lucy was holding back tears, Erza was completely shocked, and Levy was crying.

"It's all my fault." Lucy whispers. "I shouldn't have. I knew the job would be to hard."

She breaks into tears, and I hold her. More tears fell from my eyes and onto Lucy's shoulder.

"Sorry." I whisper. I stared at the ground, tears falling, and think about how Y/n sacrificed herself for me.

'What if she dies? What if she dies and it's all my fault. All because I couldn't convince her to stay, because I couldn't fight her father, because I couldn't have died in her place.'

"N-Natsu." Wendy comes from the room, trying to hide the fear in her eyes. "I-I did what i could b-but she...Natsu," Wendy stares at me.

'This couldn't be good. Y/n. Don't go. Please, be alright.' Wendy starts to talk once more.

"Y/n is dead."

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