Chapter 1

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A feminine voice came booming in within the halls of aoba johsai, in the distance a certain h/c-head is currently under pursuit by two female students.

Now you might be thinking, why would they be running in a school hall? and is this even allowed?

Well, to answer that, They have no shame in running around the school premises like they own the building, and no, it's not allowed. Students of Aoba Johsai grew accustomed to the usual bantering and shenanigans made by these group of second years.

"You either give me back my ponyo keychain or kiss goodbye to your totoro keychain!!"

He screamed as he kept on running, twist and turns didn't bother the boy, at this point he already memorized the map of the school.

"Get back here you little shit! That's expensive!"

"Same as my ponyo!"

He retorted as he found himself running towards the school gym, so he thought of a diversion. He deducted that the aoba johsai is having their practice match with the infamous fallen crows. So he devised a plan to get away from his evil deeds.

He ran straight to the gym, not caring the weird looks from the other first years he ran past to.

"Okay time to find that pretty boy"

He mumbled as he scanned the place, after a while he found him, it seemed like he hasn't played yet, given what he's doing right now.

"Shit, they're not done..."

It seemed there has been a little boulder that blocked m/n's plan of escape.

He tried to think fast before his pursuers arrive, and thank heavens he thought of something. It's dangerous but it's worth a shot. Besides, why live your life in fear when you can face it head on make the best out of life.

He slowly find his way towards the bags of the athletes were located, his heart pounded so hard he felt like his ribcage would break any minute. He carefully made a slight opening from one of the bags and he quickly put the totoro keychain in there, you might be wondering, how is he gonna get back the totoro keychain? well, lucky for him he's always. carrying a small notepad and a pen. You never know when you're gonna need to write down something.

So, he wrote 'please return it to hannah from class 1, thanks <33 -your admirer'

He isn't really that unwilling person's admirer but  yet he wrote it just for shits and giggles.

"Hehe, goodluck having one of the seijoh members giving you the totoro keychain"

He mumbled to himself as he slipped inside the paper, as he slowly retreats back to the crowd. And went back to his class, avoiding his friends who's currently hunting him down.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

As soon as he entered his classroom a pair of fists found it's way to his collar, carrying him regardless of his weight.

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