Chapter 6

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"Mr. L/n, please take this to the third year's class, tell them to pass these out and don't file out of the classroom without me."

M/n nodded as he repeated the teacher's instructions, walking up a flight of stairs before finding the designated classroom.

He knocked twice, waiting for someone to open the door. He wasn't looking at the person who opened and went on to relay the message that he was told to give.

Before handing out the stack of paper, he looked at the person's face and it was none other than the seijoh's ace. He has a permanent frown on his face, seems like he was in a bad mood. Making it a bit uncomfortable for the both of them.

"Iwa-chan! who's at the door"

A whiny voice emerged from behind iwaizumi, m/n's eyes widening as he realized who the fuck owned that voice.

"Oh! it's you the guy who called mr. refreshing, suga chan!"

He pointed out, now everyone's attention was on the second year. He was used to it but being surrounded by a bunch of higher years with curious gaze on him makes his hair go up.

Iwaizumi must have noticed his discomfort and decided to shoo them away, including oikawa but the captain didn't budged, and iwaizumi didn't felt like arguing with him due to some reasons.

M/n non verbally thanked iwaizumi, and was about to flee from the classroom but was held back by oikawa.

"you shouldn't run away like that, no, not without letting me know your name"

He whispered on m/n's ears, making him shiver from the sudden contact.

Iwaizumi felt disgusted at oikawa's attempt to flirt a younger year, making a mental note to beat him up at practice.

Of course, oikawa already knew m/n's name, he just wanted to hear m/n speak to him. Maybe to feed his own ego? to see the boy get flustered when he introduce himself to someone as handsome as him.

"The name's m/n l/n! nice to meet ya, that's all bye!"

M/n made a quick introduction, as he took the chance to run away from him. He's attractive but no thanks. He told to himself as he went to his classroom.

He entered their class to see his friends talking, he pounced on one of them and joined them.

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

M/n and his friends was walking towards the gate until a certain brunette screamed his name.


Of course, everyone knew that voice and well, his friend short circuited as they watch oikawa approach m/n.

"Yes, oikawa-san?"

"Let's got to an arcade!"

He offered, iwaizumi and the other two trailing behind him. Himari's eyes widened as she watches an unexpected friendship unfold right before their very eyes.

"I'm a big fan of arcades! but wait...why me?"

M/n brighten up but quickly became a bit suspicious towards the setter, his friends watched him in disappointment as he hesitates to accept the offer.

"Because i want to get to know you! even iwa-chan does! right?"

"Shittykawa?! I don't- i mean- i do but- shittykawa this is all your fault!"

"Ouch iwa-chan!"

M/n watched in amusement as the two best friend "bond".

"Don't mind them, m/n, that's just how they are."

M/n beamed when his eyes landed on the pink haired boy.


he waved to the boy, receiving a wave back and his lazy smile.

"Ah, m/n, i forgot to introduce to you, matsukawa issei, my boyfri-"

He was cut off with an elbow on his side by mattsun, who looked a bit pissed.

"He meant best friend, m/n-san and nice to meet you"

Matsukawa clarified, eye-ing the groaning middle blocker beside him, while m/n was holding in his laugh as he watched how chaotic their volleyball team is.

He seemed to forget about his friends whom he originally would be walking home with, not until he caught of himari's long pink hair.

"Ah! i forgot, i was planning to go home with my friends, so maybe next time? sorry!"

The four boys stopped from what they're doing and looked at him, before oikawa started holding his hands.

"What m/n saying isss! he will go with you all, we'll be fine!"

Hannah slightly pushed m/n towards the tall players, a playful tone was hinted within her words, before winking at m/n.

"Go on now~ We'll be fine, my dear best friend! have fun with them byeee"

She bid farewell as she pulled aimi and himari out of the scene and to god knows where. So m/n had no choice but to join them.

Oikawa beamed as he tries not to jump against the school walls, while makki's cheshire smile is displayed.

"Okay, oikawa-san, lead the way then!"

"Atta boy!"

Makki high fived m/n as the boy reverted to the person he knew and well, liked.

M/n giggled from the simple gesture he and makki did, unbeknownst to the two of them, the other three felt a pang of jealousy, wishing they could act like buddy-buddy with m/n.

"Anyways! stop hogging m/n all to yourself and let's go!"

Oikawa yanked m/n away from hanamaki who was adoring the boy's hair for reasons unknown to mankind and started running towards the mall.

Iwaizumi, makki and mattsun running to get oikawa, screams of concerns for the poor second year was heard throughout the streets of miyagi.


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