Chapter 5

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"Cream puffs are the best!"

Ah yes, m/n's favorite dessert. Whenever the boy felt anything remotely negative, his go-to place is the bakery near their school.

But today is a different one, not that it's saturday, it's because he particularly craved for a one whole box of it. Yes, one box.

He skipped steps as he hummed excitedly towards the door of the shop.

While, one particular middle blocker was in the counter craving the same dessert.

"I'd like three cream puffs please."

"Is it on the go?"

"Yes please"

The cashier nodded as he punched in the order and asked for hanamaki's payment, he handed the bill and received his change and was told to wait around.

And so he did.

"Excuse me"

A voice came behind from him, before feeling of someone coming in contact with him.

"Oop- sorry!"

The boy who situated himself beside hanamaki apologized, bowing in a hasty manner not bothering to look at the person he bumped to.

"Kaoru-san! I came here for my order!"

"Ah yes! wait a minute"

The owner of the shop replied, before coming out with a box of cream puffs.

Hanamaki's eyes widened at the amount of dessert within the box.


He blurted, he just know realized it was the boy who caused such a stir last time in the gym.

The boy looked to his side and showed his usual smile.

"Oh hello! do i know you?"

He asked, tilting his head as he examines the person's face, after a while he realized who the person was and his smile widened.

"Oh! you're one of the volleyball players! your name is sunny..."

"It's hanamaki, but you can call me makki"

"Right! makki! Nice to properly meet ya"

Hanamaki sweatdropped as he ponders how the hell m/n thought his name was sunny.

"So, what brings you here hm?"

He asked, looking behind him to see if there's any customers behind them, which he found none, thankfully.

"Oh, i was out for my usual run and decided to treat myself with some dessert, you?"

"Ooooo, what dessert did you get??"

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