Iwaoi Ending Part 1?

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They say that your dreams are what your heart wants or what it wishes.

M/n once dreamt of his former friends back in highschool, now that he's in college, life has been a bit hectic and he had to leave his country.

He did stay in contact in some for a while, but as the longer he stayed in los angeles, the bigger the gap became between him and his friends back in japan.

Most importantly, he lost his old senpais' phone numbers, now that he's los angeles life had take a turn for him.

He studied mass media, and continued to study a two year's master degrees in communication and journalism for him to be referred as PR manager.

Everything was fine and dandy for him until his best friend, Enzo and only friend in los angeles confessed that he had some kind of terminal illness and was needed to come back to his hometown in california. This of course shocked m/n, he always saw his friend as someone who was perfectly healthy, and never getting even the simplest cold. So it was not an exaggeration when he said he was flabbergasted.

Today was his last day in school, and tomorrow morning he was planning to spend the last remaining months in enzo's life with him. He already had prepared his hotel and other necessities. He wasn't going to turn back, it's now or never.

Fast forward to the moment he step out, of course, no one was there to fetch him in the airport, he inhaled deeply as he prepares himself to meet his long time best friend.

He first went to an apartment he bought in advance, it was also a walking distance from the hospital where enzo resides within, and settled his bags before meeting him.

It took a lot of pep talk to himself before having the balls to get out of his apartment door. Just the mere thought of his best friend in his deathbed makes him dizzy and nauseous.

"We got this, m/n. For enzo"

He cheered himself once more, slapping his face a but harsh but it effective nonetheless.

The moment he exited the building, the skin piercing heat enveloped him, making him sweat in a matter of seconds, cursing profanities as he removed his cardigan and tied it around his waist.

Despite the glaring heat he pressed on forward, he cannot afford to waste any more days, years, hours, minutes or even just a second.

He briskly walked, passing by the slow walkers, countless stalls, and various tourist spots. One thing is in his mind and it is to meet his friend.

He was so deep in thought that he accidentally bumped into someone much larger than him, a small crack was heard in m/n's chest.

He quickly apologized to the man before looking at his chest, there he saw the frame of his reading glasses was cracked. He let out a groan as he held it to see if there were any more damage.

"fucking hell, i have to buy a new pair..tch"

He mumbled, not realising that man he bumped into was still standing infront of him.

"Oh? im sorry, what do i owe you?"

He asked, not really giving a glance to the man he bumped into, no, he was busy inspecting his glasses thoroughly.

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