Chapter 27

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M/n slowly opened his eyes, his body felt like it was on fire. It was aching badly. He tried calling for his mom but quickly stopped himself as he remembered that his mother is too busy at her work.

Instead he forced himself to get up, albeit having a feeling of light-headedness, he managed to reach the door frame of his room before calling out to his father.


He tried making his voice louder despite the painful and scratchy feeling in his throat.

His father came up to see him leaning and holding the door frame for his dear life. He immediately panicked and went out to catch the boy and put him back to bed.

His father massaged his forehead with his one hand as he phoned the boy's teacher, informing that he won't be attending class today.

Once it was done and all, a cheerful music resonated within the room, his father checked his phone to see if it was his but was immediately caught off-guard by the sickly boy in bed saying it was his and pointing towards his study table.

He picked it up and saw someone calling.

Now Calling....

Aki <3

His father stared at the caller's id for a moment before handing it to m/n who was asking for it.

M/n lips turned upward slightly after seeing the caller's id. Whilst his father was fairly surprised to see his son smile because of a simple caller's id but he did not bother anymore and walked out to get his and the person on the other line some privacy, while also making porridge for the sickly.

Once his father left, m/n spoke.

"Hey kunimi"

He greeted weakly, his voice was still raspy due to his throat's condition.

"Hey i was just- Wait you sound sick, are you okay?"

The boy on the other line cut himself off, a hint of concern was on his voice. M/n snorted and muttered a soft "yeah" not wanting to irritate his throat further.

"I'm sick right now kunimi, i'm sorry we won't be able to hang out right now"

He apologized, his conscience is eating him slowly as he hoped that kunimi wouldn't be mad for him skipping their hang out.

He only heard a sigh before kunimi said goodbye, before he could even say his goodbye to him he already ended the call.

It offended m/n but he didn't care, he felt bad for skipping out on the day they're supposed to hang, now he felt like a bad friend and upperclassman.

He sighed as he put the phone beside him and stared at his ceiling, feeling his sides until he felt something soft fluffy before dragging it to him and hugging it.

His vision was getting blurry as he feels his body get heavier and heavier, on top of that he felt like his body was on a dvd player or some sort. He was going in circles, well atleast, that's what he feels.

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