Chapter 21

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'It's so...warm..ngh..' M/n snuggled deeper onto the source of warmth- wait...

His eyes fluttered open, he felt an arm pull him closer to the person he was snuggling with earlier. He looked up to see the owner of the limb to see none other than matsukawa. Sleeping peacefully in his side. He tries to remember what he did last night to end up in the boy's arms.

As he tried to pull away from the third year, he was only pulled closer. To the point he can hear the boy's steady breathing. He looked up once more, a momentary pause was made as he subconsciously reached out for the boy's face.

M/n's felt compelled to touch, to feel the boy's skin and so much more. But before he can do anything else, the door in their sleeping quarters opened, m/n who was so deep in thought was pulled out. Jolting from his recent position, making a little 'eep' sound. Burying his face on the boy's chest.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, m/n"

He slowly looked up to see who spoke, it was makki. He was wearing a white shirt paired with gym shorts. His hair was wet, justifying the use of wet towel over his head. A smirk was on his face as he greeted the boy.

"Need help?"

He offered, as he went toward where their bags were situated. Opening the zipper to obtain his what seem to be a cologne or some sort. M/n replied with a soft yes as he inhaled the boy's cologne. It was to be expected but m/n can't help but make a sour look. He hates the smell of a fuck boy cologne.

"What? does mattsun stink that much?"

Makki joked, putting a hand on his hip as he watched the boy recover from the unpleasant smell.

"It's not mattsun who stinks. He actually smells nice."

Makki's smile fell of his face and was replaced with a dumbfounded one as he tilted his head.

"Then who?"

"It's your cologne, no offense tho"

Makki clutched his heart with his one hand and the other was on his forehead, he strike a dramatic pose looking woeful.

"Gosh you wound me, m/n you know that?"

"I'm sorry but someone has to say it makki-"

"Upupup- what did i say with calling me makki? call me by my first name instead"

He interrupted the boy, recovering from his dramatic pose. While m/n only gave him an exasperated look, he wanted nothing more than to bite the boy's finger so he can stop putting it in his mouth when interrupting him.

"Okay, takahiro. Like i said, it's just my preference. I hate the smell, i call it the fuck boy cologne cuz of how it reeks of bullshit and small dick energy"

M/n explained, whilst multitasking. And by that, i mean prying the sleeping third year's hands off of his waist. He liked it but he needs to pee. Like, badly. While makki looked at him in horror and amusement at the same time, making a mental note to change his cologne from now on.

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