Chapter 13

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A rather dull day for the seijoh students, as they complete their usual daily routines.

Wake up, prepare for school, attend school, practice, go home. A never ending cycle, the team's morale seems to be affected by the mundane things. M/n took notice of this, and quickly tried thinking of a way to boost their spirits up.

As for m/n, he's still not in talking terms with his old friends, seemingly most of them have forgotten or even yet wiped him out of their lives with no explanation. This saddened the boisterous male as they were the only friends he was comfortable interacting to.

"Why are you and hannah aren't talking anymore?"

Said by one of his classmates, their class president to be specific. He found the boy slumped down on a chair on the rooftop. Being unable to ignore the pathetic state of his peer, he decided to help him out. In which resulting to them frequently hanging out more than before.

M/m told his woe story, and mori listened. He understood and was completely judgement free. He didn't want to drop the bomb on the boy as he felt pity for his current state. So he decided to keep tabs on him, and by tabs i mean, sitting with him in class and if the chance arises, walk home with him.

A blooming friendship in the midst of a windy storm.

"I don't know, they just one day stopped replying from my chats and ignoring me..!"

M/n groaned, still hung up from the fact that he wasn't given an explanation for their sudden cut ties with each other. He deserves an explanation, right?

His mind was in shambles as he desperately tries to find hundreds of reasons on why they left him hanging like that, but none turned in. He aggressively scratched his head as he feel the heat of frustration getting to him. Mori placed a hand on the frustrated boy's shoulder, his previous stiffened state softened from the touch. He glanced at the boy who had a gentle smile dancing on his lips.

"I know you feel frustrated but if you keep pushing yourself, nothing logical will come out. How bout you console your athlete friends? hm?"

A parental comfort was emitting from mori as he attempts to calm the frivolous male.

M/n stopped at the moment and started sorting out his thoughts once more, but this time, he wasn't thinking of them. He was thinking if whether should he seek help from his upperclassman or not. A flash of hesitation was displayed in his eyes as he was lost in his own train of thoughts, and mori seemed to take note of it. He opened his mouth to say a word of reassurance but quickly faltered as he watched the boy changed his sour look into a bright one.

"You're right mori! Thank you!"

M/n beamed, seemed to be back on bis usual boisterous self as he pounced on the poor president giving him a bone crushing hug. A squeak of help was heard from the poor male as he takes his last dying breath in the arms of his peer.

The energetic student ran through the halls with much glee, within the minutes of his run he already planned a to help his friend's morale and at the same time asking for their advice.

It's time for a sleepover!

He jumped in glee, completely forgetting that two giant metal doors was blocking his way; Face planting on two cold metal not to mention dirty gym doors creating a loud bang from outside and the inside, alerting the people around him.

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