Chapter 15

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The second person to arrive was kyotani and kunimi, They both found themselves talking amongst their selves as yahaba hogged m/n's attention.

An irk mark appeared at kyotani's temple, he balled his fist until his knuckles turned white and shaking, kunimi noticed the boy's anger and sighed. He pulled out a pen and wrote something on his palm. Then quickly showed it to kyotani who was practically flaming from anger and jealousy.

"Keep doing that, and  m/n-san will postpone the sleepover"

A slight groan was made by the blondie, before releasing his balled fist. Kunimi sighed in relief as it seemed to work, last thing he wants right now is to go back to his home because his teammate could not control his anger.

Soon enough, the stars of the show has arrived. The third years. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki. All dressed in a certain manner and entered the abode in a oddly neat way which the others questioned as to why were they acting like that.

It was past 8 and seems like the others have other plans, first, watari having to take care of his mother and kindaichi was unable to go due to them having a family get together tomorrow at his aunt's house.

Everyone found their desired places within the living room, and m/n brought out the snacks and beverages that everyone asked for.

Kyotani, Yahaba and Kunimi volunteered on buying more snacks for their movie night. Leaving the third years and m/n.

"M/ way..."

Hanamaki mumbled in disbelief, Which alerted m/n, let's just say he has some secrets that he isn't comfortable sharing with. Mainly it's something of a personal thing. But i digress, he peeked at what hanamaki's holding and let out the air he held in.

It was just the cd box of watchdogs legion. A PS4 game, also, his latest addition to his collection of endless stealth games. M/n has a knack for stealth, and was heavily influenced by the games he plays if it's not obvious yet.

"No way!! You have the gold edition too?! It means you have wrench and aiden right?!"

Hanamaki fanboyed, shaking m/n out of excitement. M/n gave him an unpleasant smile as he answered the boy's question. The others stared at the two, quite surprised at how hanamaki was acting. Such a man child, said by iwaizumi in his head.

"Can i play it?! please! I just want to try out wrench!"

M/n could only nod in agreement as the pink haired pleaded with his eyes. And he was finally let go, and was thanked by him multiple times.

He turned to look at the others who were looking at him expectantly.

He looked to his side, before clearing his throat, he never really planned ahead. He only just thought of inviting them and it would go well. Seems like it wasn't.

"Uhh, you guys play genshin?"

He asked out of awkwardness, he pulls out his phone with the genshin app open. Almost everyone's eyes lit up from the mention of genshin.

"You play genshin, m/n-chan?! I do too! let's be friends and co-op!"

Oikawa jumped on m/n, surprising the boy yet he only laughed and asked for the brunette's uid.

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