Kunimi Ending

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Years passed, m/n and his old friends slowly drifted away from one another. Well, to him atleast.

M/n inherited his parents' wealth. They unfortunately died at his 19th birthday. Such tragic, imagine waking up with a big smile and an expectation to spend your birthday with your parents only to be met with their subordinates.

M/n was in a depressive slump for months, it was recently did he finally accepted taking on steering the company to success, as he carry on the legacy of his beloved parents.

With the help of his parents' good friends. Akito, and Koujaku. They taught him everything he needed to know, and is there to help anytime.

"Koujaku, Akito, you guys should focus on finding a wife, you guys aren't getting any younger y'know?"

M/n told them, he was persuading them to take a break from work and instead focus on building a life with someone but the stubbornness of the two seems to be solid teflon.

"No can do, mr."

"He's right, we owe our lives to your parents, the least we can do is guide you and protect you on their behalf"

M/n was touched, at times like these he can't find the proper reply. Not that he hated them, he felt more so guilty. So whenever he had the chance he would offer them to take a break. Alas, it ends with them still continuing to work for him.

"Enough about us, you boss needs to tend to the eleventh bank near here."

Akito explained, pointing his finger on the map shown in the tablet he's holding. M/n nodded and ordered koujaku to start the vehicle.

Whilst kunimi, who was working in eleventh bank, was having a not so good day. Having to negotiate with a meddling client, he had not choice but to put on a smile despite his urge to punch the client in the face.

"Why did i even chose this line of work?"

He mumbled to himself as he dropped down in the table he's sitting at, he finally had the time to take a break and rest his head for a while before going out there.

"Rough start huh?"

A voice came from behind, he slowly lifted his head to see his colleague, shinjiro. Both him and shinjiro went way back in 2018. Both had faced the same struggle and victories.

"Oh...it's just you"

"Now don't be like that! do you want coffee as well?"

Shinjiro offered, as he pulled out the creamer in the cupboard. Pressing the button in the coffee maker.

He took a seat infront of kunimi who has his head resting in his arms.

"Y'know, you did pretty well with that client earlier"

Kunimi only snorted at the comment, raising his head to look at his friend.

"Yeah, well i was trying my best not to give that guy a good knuckle sandwich"

Shinjiro attempted to silence his laugh but only ended up hollering for a whole minute, receiving weird looks from their tired senior colleagues.

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