Chapter 23

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Another day, another dose of stress and fun-filled time awaits m/n.

As m/n stepped foot on the school's premises, he was immediately pulled to the side by their class president, mori. He prevented m/n from screaming by putting his palm on the boy's mouth. They stayed like that for a while until mori felt a wet and slimy texture hit his sense of touch, he yelped as he pulled away from the boy who was licking his lips.

"salty, do you use strawberry-scented moisturizers?" the boy asked innocently, mori was baffled at how calm and innocent-looking the boy was, as if he didn't just licked his hand. mori had an annoyed and at the same time a questioning look on his face. He inhaled deeply before releasing it with a loud sigh. Mori grabbed m/n's hand and guided him towards their classroom.

They arrived at the classroom with them catching their breaths, mori being the one who initiated on running was the one who took his time, fortunately for them, noone was in the room. The bags of their classmates was situated in their seats, leaving them vulnerable for any deliquent who will took the chance to steal their belongings.

"Say presi, why did you bring me here?" The h/c-nette asked, but did not received a reply from mori. Mori has recovered from the recent fatigue and was now searching something from his bag. M/n only shrugged and took a seat on one of the desks, rocking his legs back and forth from the boredom.

"aha!" mori exclaimed as he proudly pulled out a notepad, m/n looked at him like he was a madman and did not utter a word. Mori ignored the boy's stare and explained the pad for. "this notepad has all of my itineraries for today and tomorrow" he faced m/n who was now laying on the desk with his torso being the only body of his supported by the desk.

"Also, please stand up, i don't want you getting injured" Mori voiced out his concern, pointing at the boy's hanging limbs with a pen. M/n groaned before complying, not wanting another round of scolding to happen. "thank you very much, so i brought you here so we can plan the things we'll be preparing for the school's festival"

Mori wrote something on the pad, which piqued m/n's curiousity, going near to mori as he planted his head on the boy's shoulder, receiving a whine from the president.

"Will you quit doing stuff like that? im not used to it..!" Mori exclaimed, he had his hand rested on his chest as he felt his heart pump faster. M/n shrugged and apologized before approaching the boy once more.

He peeked to see their president's very formal writing, t'was no surprise for him though, he already had expected it from the president. Seeing that he always have a pouch full of highlighters, colored pens and so much more. Sometimes m/n would even go and ask him if he can borrow some, and there's times that mori would let him but there's other times that he doesn't as well, his reason was that m/n chews his pens.

"Ohhh so we're going for a sweetheart kind of theme?" M/n asked the boy, he has stars for eyes, mori can't help but sweatdropped from the reaction. He felt like the theme isn't the most suitable one for their class after looking at m/n. Now he worries what would the boy do.

"Yeah? what are you excited for?" Mori carefully asked, squinting his eyes towards m/n creating a distance between the boy and his notepad as if he was disgusted.

M/n looked at him like a clueless puppy and once more, shrugging. Mori can't help but feel shivers run down his spine whenever he sees m/n looking innocent. "I don't know, it'd be nice to wear a maid outfit or something" he replied, surprising mori with his answer, making a 'geh?!' sound.

Suddenly, a ding sound was heard, they all looked around to see where it came from, and turns out it came from m/n's phone. He mouthed a quick sorry to mori before opening the notification, after a few seconds he started giggling, and the giggle turned into a laugh, a loud one.

Mori deadpanned as he watch the boy take his time from laughing until he got impatient and snatched the boy's phone from him. He looked at the phone to see what m/n was laughing about.

There he saw the messages app open and the name 'Issei <33'. A picture was attached on the recent message.

 A picture was attached on the recent message

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(Idk who owns this but yeah huehue)

Mori couldn't contain his laughter as he, himself cackled louder than m/n.

"God! who made these?" Mori asked, completely forgetting his usual poker face look. M/n thought it was nice that mori was comfortable enough to show him a side he never shows. M/n only nodded as he took his phone from the boy who was wiping his tears.

"It's funny right? Issei's a funny guy" M/n boasted as he typed a reply to the third year, mori nodded as he patiently waited for them to finish messaging each other. "Indeed, i never knew he'd the type to send memes" Mori mentioned putting his index finger to his chin as his eyes was looking at the ceiling. M/n chortled at the boy's opinion towards issei "he does look like he's serious all the time but once you get to know him, he's the most funny person you'll know" He told mori who was starting to find interest towards the seijoh vball members' personalities. M/n being the chatter box that he is, he entertained the boy's request.

They spent the whole time talking about m/n's beloved friends. Whilst, the members were sneezing at the gym, making their coach worry about their well-being.


Mattsun and makki definitely sends memes like that for fun, especially at 1-4 am on a school night. Thanks for reading!

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