Yahaba Ending

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After the events of the former third years, yahaba took on the position of being the captain for the next school year.

Their year was filled with laughter and jokes, by yours truly of course. By the end of their term, everyone was basically bawling their eyes out. Even the supposedly "unemotional" players spilled their tears like their life depended on it.

Yahaba, Kyotani, and M/n grew together as they started their term as a third year, and to say that their parting ways were emotional was not of an exaggeration.

It's been how many years now? I forgotten, but it's been years ever since yahaba, m/n, and kyotani ever heard from one another. Kyotani being busy with pursuing his volleyball career, whilst, m/n is busy as prepares to be the next heir to his mother's position in the company.

Safe to say, his prime years is and will be filled of workpiles, and constant meetings that he despises. But nonetheless, he had no choice. A mother's order is absolute after all.

A tired sigh escaped the soon to be owner of the world's largest company as he sunken in his seat in the thought of his future endeavours within the walls of this office, but he likes to call it his little prison cell.

A notification popped up, making him recoil in fear, in fear that someone walked in on him being completely unprofessional.

His tensed shoulders was dropped when he realized it was just his phone, picking it up nonchalantly from the table as he clicks the message notification.

It was from his cousin, yuka.

:Hey, i heard you're free today can you fetch yotasuke form school? his last subject is P.E so im pretty sure he'd be tired.

A light bulb appeared on his head as he typed out his reply.

:Fine, but you gotta cover me when mom looks for me.

A singular "yeah" was his cousin's reply to him, bummed out from the woman's reply. He finally stood up and stretched before fixing his coat and went his merry way towards the school.

He drove off in his BMW, gaining fascinated looks from the parents and employees of the school, who knew such a big shot would be entering their school?

M/n got out of the car, and put on his shades, earning a squeal from a bunch of ladies on the sidewalks.

He approached the school gate as he waits patiently for his nephew, everybody was clamoring and whispering about the mysterious hottie. Yet, in m/n's mind was, he's fucking famished. And a nice 20 pieces of chicken nuggets was his desired way to satiate it.

He pulled out his phone as he informed his cousin that he had arrived, and was just waiting for his nephew to come out.

A lot of people approached him, one by one, some tried smooth talking but of course, the boy was either friendly, or blatantly blunt.

It has been 30 mins and when m/n was about to ask if he can personally come inside to fetch his nephew, a bunch of kids started coming out of the school doors.

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