Chapter 8

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"Sorry m/n! You'll have to eat alone or eat with the volleyball team today"

The voice of m/n's friend resonated within his cellular, a severe cold has struck down hannah. Making her unable to attend school in fear of making it worse.

"Eh?! where are the others?"

He exclaimed, surprising walking bystanders as he jogs towards the school gate. His social anxiety is starting to act up as he anticipates his friend's words.

"I believe they have some things to attend to, but don't worry, im sure oikawa-san will let you join them today"

Hannah reassured the boy, she knew about m/n's social anxiety, one time the boy wandered to far off campus and got separated, so hannah looked for him and she saw him standing in the corner shaking like a cat drenched in rain.

"Why do you keep lumping me with oikawa-san?! I don't even feel comfortable around him"

M/n protested, deciding whether he continue his way to school or just turn back and make some kind of excuse when asked. He bit his lower lip as he pondered his choices and their possible outcomes.

"Don't be like that, oikawa-san seems sincere with his intentions with you and besides, you guys do look cute together."

Hannah complimented, in her head she's already imagining m/n and oikawa holding hands as they run towards the sunset.

M/n made an offended noise and said goodbye to his friend before he gets tangled up with one of her delusional thoughts. He shuddered as he remembers what he saw what hannah was reading when she accidentally left her phone open for everyone to see.

The loud boy stood for a while as he chooses his two options.

To attend school or to not to?

He said to himself as he put the tip of his thumb and his index finger under his chin, mimicking a detective formulating possible outcomes for the crime.

"Oi, m/n why are you standing there?"

A deep gruff voice emerged from m/n's behind, making him jolt up in shock. He rigidly turned to the person who mentioned his name, silently wishing for it not to be some teacher he has some issues with.

He sighed in relief as he saw who it was. It was no other than Iwaizumi Hajime.

"Hah? Why do you look so rigid?"

"N-nevermind that..!"

M/n waved off Iwaizumi's question, raising Iwaizumi's suspicion to rise. He then started to walk the other way; The way home. Hoping that the ace wouldn't question him and continue on from walking towards school.

"Where do you think you're going, m/n?"

Iwaizumi asked, the shorter visibly winced as he thought that he jinxed himself. Taking a deep breath before turning to answer him.

"I am going home, now, if there's no more question i'll be goin-"

"Oh no you don't."

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