Chapter 11

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"Oikawa san?"

Oikawa shifted his position to face the owner of the voice. A smile was etched on his perfect white skin, the smile he held was more genuine, than what the people around him is used to.

And the person facing him seems to know that as well. He swallowed his saliva as he finds the right words to say to the charismatic male.

Oikawa sensed the boy's struggle, and laughed to himself, deciding to lead the conversation for the sake of their time.

"Why don't you take a seat with me? M/n-chan?"

His playful tone was gone, instead a genuine one was felt by the other. M/n didn't know where and why but he felt his heart pitter-patter. The booming sound lively music was nothing more than a distraction to the two, yet their gaze never seem to leave each other.

M/n instead shook his head and pulled oikawa up, before pulling him towards a place he only knows himself. Atleast, from what he remembers.

Oikawa questioned him, after receiving a simple grunt from the boy he dare not ask once more. He was an annoying individual, he knows that himself yet, when it comes to m/n he can't help but be gentle as possible. Especially when they're together.

After a few twists and turns away from the lively get together. They finally reached m/n's desired place, the boy expressed his fatigue with a few pants, fanning himself with his hand. Oikawa couldn't help himself but look away, his train of thoughts are starting to betray him by forming images of m/n in a indecent scenarios to which he will not share further.

"Sorry for pulling you earlier, tooru."

The younger apologized, unbuttoning his upper clothing, making his partner furiously blush even more. A new batch of indecent thoughts came rushing in within oikawa's mind.

M/n noticed the boy's discomfort and laughed, buttoning his upper clothing back before tapping the no shaking boy.

"Let's not have our first sex in the woods-!"

Oikawa blurted putting a hand over his face, hiding his beet red face, after he realized what he had said, he began apologizing in a hasty manner, while m/n was only standing, unresponsive and his cheeks painted pink.

"Im sorry! I didn't mean that m/n-c-"

In the midst of his barraging the boy with apologies and pleads for his life, the boy finally spoke, albeit with some fumbling.

"It's fine...I- i just didn't knew you were thinking like th-that."

He rubbed his nape in embarrassment making the atmosphere between the both of them, awkward. Oikawa want nothing more than to repeatedly stab himself until he bleeds out.

A few moment of silence filled the two before oikawa spoke once more. This time, he was genuine.

"I like you."

M/n froze once more, internally panicking on what to reply to his upperclassman. Thinking all of the hypothetical outcomes of his choices. Oikawa smiled, convincing himself that it will be fine. He's going to be fine to hear m/n reject him.

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