Chapter 22

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The next following day was a living hell for the players, they were ordered to play for the whole day, which they did not mind at first. I mean c'mon the whole day of playing means a chance for them to outsmart their foes infront of them.

It's a great way to bond as well. Hopeful and energetic shouts came out of their mouths earlier. Now their legs felt sore, they felt like they were showering on their own sweat as they play for the nth time of the day.

M/n watched in the sidelines with worry for each and everyone in the training camp, albeit, knowing the brewing wickedness of the hags. He can't help but feel guilty for the boys.

All he could do was support them by giving words of encouragement and water.

"You're doing well guys, keep going..! ahaha"

He told the boys as they got to have a 5 minute break, tired smile was their only reply to him. Which the boy totally understand, the mere thought of going out there and being active for more than an hour is exhausting, he can feel his stomach churn as he imagine himself in their shoes. What an unruly sight it was.

"Your efforts will be rewarded"

He mumbled, as he pass the towels, yahaba, who heard him grabbed the boy's hand with his own sweat-dripping ones. M/n whined from the contact but quickly shushed when, he did not want the person to feel like he's disgusted with them. He is, but that's beside the point.

"Yuck- i mean, yes? You need some more water? a cold one?"

"Ah, sorry, and no...I was about to ask what did you say? I heard you mumble something about rewards..?"

M/n shook his head as he tried to hide his smile, his lips trembled as he desperately compressed the erupting smile by pressing his lips into a thin line.

"W-what? I didn't say anything aha! You're probably just hella tired ahaha!"

He replied, making an awkward wave with his hand. Looking behind yahaba and the others, to see a certain old hag.

His heart beat went back to normal when he realised the old hag wasn't eye-ing him. And that yahaba seemed fairly convinced. Yahaba was convinced but a small part him is telling him that there is something more than meets the eye.

He let go of his hand and pondered as endless thoughts about m/n clouded his mind.

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"Congratulations to all of you!!"

Greeted by the coaches and managers as m/n and kiyoko hold a banner that says 'You did well!'

Everyone's seemingly tired and ruffled looks were replaced by sweaty big smiles and an energized aura.

Grilling stations and various meats were placed in each station, water and complimentary drinks and sauces were there as well. A bowl od salad and other appetizers were there as well. It was truly planned out, the players felt like they came home as champions from the nationals.

They all screamed thank you in unison, bowing in unison as well, m/n had his mouth open as he was impressed with the synchronization of the whole group.

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