MatsuHana Ending

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M/n's and the others' third year passed quicker than expected, they succeeded on reaching nationals. The proud smiles on their old senpais was worth all the struggle they endured.

To see his former teammates, mainly the duo, issei and takahiro puts a big smile on his face, even making his heart flutter in a million ways.

Time went on and his connection between the two has been less and less frequent, not that he took offense of, he was just saddened. Saddened by the fact he never got to couraged to confess his feelings.

Now, he finished his college degree, and decided to work as a salary worker at a popular insurance company. His life became more mundane as ever, to be completely honest he never thought adult life would suck this much.

Having to be professional all the time, lacking time to relax, and even if given the chance, stress will still be at the back of your mind.

A deep sigh came out of the boy's lips, looking through stacks and stacks of paperworks in his desk. He rubbed his temple with his free hand as he mentally organizes the paperwork. Prioritizing the ones that has their due date in a week.

"Fucking god sake i need a drink"

He mumbled, as started signing and double checking the documents, the man was so lost in his work that he did not heard his superintendent came in his office.

"I see you're working hard, mr.l/n."

"Gah-! fuckity fuck!"

M/n cursed out, accidentally throwing the pen and papers he was checking up in the air. Realising what he has said and done, he put his hand to his mouth as he looked at the person infront of him with fear.

"Ah! mr.kawase! ahaha! how- i mean, why are you here? anything wrong?"
He asked picking up the papers and pen he threw earlier.
"Hahaha! Don't get your feathers all ruffled, i'm just here to inform you about something"

The man named, Mr.Kawase reassured the shaking m/n. 

"I'm here to tell ya, that you'll be taking in ms.naganohara's clients, since she's on a maternity leave, i can't think of any suitable one for the job other than you of course."

He informed him, patting on his shoulder before leaving him to finish his work. M/n only made a thumbs up towards the man and dropped on his desk once he was out of sight.

M/n let out a groan before slapping both of his cheek, obtaining a red hand mark on both sides.

"Okay, m/n you got this, you wanted this life, you gotta do it."

He told himself, a pathetic attempt to ease the stress he's given. He let out a tired sigh as he looked at the towering paperwork on his desk, cracking his neck and knuckles before focusing back on his work.

"The earlier we start, the sooner we finish."

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

It was midnight when our favorite salary worker, m/n finished the stacks of paperwork.

He let out a relieved yawn as he stretched his upper limbs.

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