Chapter 7

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"C'mon m/n-chan! Let's play this one"

Oikawa dragged the now hushed boy towards a certain game that requires two players for better immersion.

Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki watched as the boy got dragged on and on by their Captain who was brimming with enthusiasm in every step he makes. They're happy to see that thier captain is enjoy himself but would it be selfish of them if they snatch the boy for themselves? For they hope that this feeling of jealousy would dissipate as they follow in pursuit.

As m/n got dragged on and on by the ever so energetic brunette, his eyes landed on a certain game that he always loved when he was a kid. The claw machine.

As embarrassing as it may sound, he doesn't have any fond memories about the claw machine. He never really won anything on it, he saw it as one of those scamming machines. But a certain person in his life always enjoyed it.

Even if m/n never liked playing it, he always end up playing it. Maybe it's cause of his underlying gambling addiction or maybe it's the toothy smile that he sees whenever he and this person plays the game.

"Eh? m/n-chan? do you want one of those stuff toys?"

Oikawa asked, pointing at the claw machine that m/n's been staring at for a while now. He was pulled out his memory lane with oikawa's voice.

He shook his head.

"It's fine, oikawa-san. I just remembered something"

M/n politely declined, offering a kind smile towards the setter, unknown to him that smile made oikawa's explode like a bunch of fireworks on a new year or in a summer festival.

"Ehh if you say so~ Anyways! let's go to the karaoke!"

M/n only nodded, once more getting dragged by him. He did find it an inconvenience getting dragged but at this time, he kind of got used to it. He looked at iwaizumi and the others, and waved at them a sheepish smile displayed upon his face.

They shot him an apologetic smile as they catches up.

"Oi shittykawa, don't you think it's rude to drag m/n?"

"Eh? have i? I don't think i did, did i m/n-chan?"

Oikawa denied the allegations and passed the question to the boy, now m/n felt like he was situated in a hot seat moment. He didn't want to offend the setter but at the same time he's been getting weird looks from others as they walk pass them.

"I am actually, but it's okay! I'm used to it by now!"

M/n reassured him, waving his hand defensively, he can't help but be stiff towards these men he is with him, There's a welling feeling inside him. A familiar one. One that he dreaded feeling from time to time, but he couldn't just help it.

He feels a little bit guilty for his feelings, so as he interacts with them, he's battling his own thoughts internally.

"I'm sorry, m/n-chan! i didn't know i was dragging you already and i just got so excited because-"

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