Chapter 10

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"Remind me why am i doing this again?"

"You're doing this because you messed up the plan for the upcoming school festival!"

Mori, their class president reminded him, scratching his head as he grew impatient with the boy's nonstop barrage of questions.

M/n took the gesture as a sign to stop asking more questions as he shut himself up, fiddling with the outfit he is wearing.

He's currently wearing a maid outfit, it's supposed to be for their school festival. But after his little accident with paint, he was punished, and that punishment is that he will be one of the people that will be serving the customers.

The boy felt a sudden sting coming from his hand, he snapped back to reality to see mori slapping his hand.

"Stop fiddling with the cloth, you might ruin it."

He replied sternly, not even looking at the boy, instead he was so invested with the clipboard he's holding. M/n took a little peek of the contents, and the board was filled with list of things that needed to be replaced. A messy handwriting in each of the products needed. Must've been the work of mori.

M/n thought as he went back to his old position and waited for the president to finish with his things.

After a while, his suffering has finished. He's walking down the mall with mori, talking about random things, but mostly school event related.

"Yeah, i was thinking of going for- Oof!"

M/n was cut off when he bumped into a tall man, he looked up to see none other than, oikawa tooru.

dressed in a white polo and a blue coat, his shoes were as white as his teeth, probably newly bought, as his pants were the shade of khaki and a tinted reading glasses to match his look.

"Oh? m/n-chan! didn't expect to see you here"

He greeted, immediately taking the boy in a hug. Some may see it oddly intimated but for the second year, it has been nothing more than a every day encounter with the setter.

"Oikawa-san! uhm, please put me down"

M/n politely asked, as he pointed at the boy behind him. The copper haired boy straightened under the eyes of the third year, the poor boy felt like he was eyed by a god. He is, but not in that tone, atleast.

"Hmm? And why are you with m/n-chan?"

He set the h/c haired boy down, setting his whole attention towards the poor president, he shrunk under the prejudiced looks. Yet, he did nor faltered as he thought of his dignity as the class president.

"I'm with l/n-san for a school related event."

He spoke confidently, albeit his heart pounded very loud, each pound rang in his ears as he awaits for the older's reply.

But the third year stared him down until, looking at the bored boy behind them.

"M/n-chan is it true? you guys aren't on a date?"

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