Chapter 4

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M/n walked home with kunimi, throwing a few conversations about their upcoming session and what kunimi wants to have a recap at and such.

He arrived home safely, and thanked kunimi for walking home. Kunimi only smiled and nodded before going his merry way to home.

Kunimi's not the type of person to walk someone home, let alone be with anyone at all. He hates people, atleast that's what everyone sees of him. But when it comes to m/n, he can somehow tolerate him. He find him very comfortable to be with, regardless of the boy being a loud and a troublemaker. He's really good at academics.

A total airhead when it comes to social cues and such. But when it comes to academics, you can count on him.

He takes on part time jobs, and tutoring is one of it.

It's not like they have any financial struggles, he just prefers to save up on his own so incase of emergency he can pull something out, and he knows that not all the time he can rely on his parents' money. there will be a time he'll have to provide on his own, so he doesn't see any harm in getting a head start. A bit paranoid but at the same time smart if you ask me.

M/n is a asexual icon, he's an openly one. He never had a boyfriend in his life, because most of the guys that flirts with him either gives up because m/n couldn't pick up the difference between flirting and just being plainly friendly.

It's one of the charms that draws in kunimi as well, the obliviousness of the boy makes him somehow want to hold him and treasure him in his hand. Take the boy with him wherever he goes and so on.

But kunimi refuses to acknowledge that part. He convinces himself that he find m/n only cute because he benefits from their tutoring. I don't know how that correlates but it is what it is.

but i digress, back on our favorite boy's life.

He entered his home, hoping to see his father.

"Father! I'm home!"

He received a reply, albeit a muffled one, he followed the source od the voice and he was met with a sight of his father talking to a familiar grey haired setter.


He screamed, his excitement taking over him as he throws himself to the boy once more but this time, sugawara catched him, thankfully.

"Geez, m/n you need to stop jumping on me like that"

M/n only shook his head as he nuzzled further on the boy's neck. He likes sugawara, in a friend way of course. He was like a big brother to him.

A big brother he wished he had, growing up m/always felt alone, his parents are usually away for a business trip and such now his father decided to retire to become a house husband and give the company to m/n's mother who is basically the breadwinner of the family.

Girlboss if you ask me.

Their relationship was more than okay, like any normal son-parent relationship, they have that. M/n just can't help but feel lonely form time to time, but he adapted but ever since sugawara came in his life, he has grown attached to him.

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