Chapter 14

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Their ever so fervent captain barged in the gym, their eyes twitched in annoyance as they were informed that their ace and captain wouldn't attend the practice. Yet here they are, with their precious second year dangling on one of oikawa's arm like a ragdoll of some sort.

"M/n's holding a- Oof!"

Oikawa flew halfway through the gym, his face landing first, while m/n flew upward from the sudden movement, but was safely caught by iwaizumi who was furious at the brunette.

"How many times do i have to tell you to quit dragging m/n like a fuckin' doll!"

He scolded the boy, going on about how the boy was fragile and given his situation, his injury could get worse.

While the dazed boy stand behind the two arguing, the other two third years came up and greeted him instead.

"Hey, m/n how's your head?"

A sloppy grin was sculpted on makki's face, squeezing the boy's shoulder softly, as a way of showing that he missed the boy.

"Sorry we weren't there when you woke up, iwaizumi over there told us to tend to our classes."

Matsukawa explained, pointing his thumb to the tanned male who's currently beating the shit out of his best friend. While makki nodded in agreement.

"He's right, we know we're your favorite third years but the other two begs to differ."

Makki mentioned loud enough for the other two to hear, the two suddenly stopped at what they were doing and swiftly came infront to shield m/n from makki and matsukawa.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, makki~"

Oikawa slurred his words, a serious glint evident in his eyes. M/n felt uncomfortable with what's happening, so he decided to spoke up to divert their attentions from one another.

"All of you are my favorites, no need to fight"

He mediated the duos, while the other one seems to be just in for the fun, the other one isn't. Seems like they are a bit serious when it comes to m/n.

"You heard the man, anyways, what do you wanna tell us again m/n?"

M/n tilted his head as he tries to remember what he was about to tell them, the first and second years were looking at him expectantly, a feeling of pressure swelled in his chest as he tries to find the thing.

Oikawa felt the boy's inward panic and decided to help him but before he can speak up, the boy already beat him to it.

"Oh yeah! I was hoping to invite you guys in my house! like a sleepover"

He beamed, their faces seems to brighten up as they all saw the m/n they all knew and love. Within the course of weeks being with m/n they grew accustomed to his wild side. Usually it's a burst of energy and sometimes he likes to play pranks on unsuspecting victims. Even the coaches weren't safe, thankfully, they weren't shabby enough to get the boy in trouble with the higher ups, but they still do scold him when the pranks get a bit more intense.

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