Chapter 18

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M/m woke up earlier than the others, he grabbed the opportunity to look around without having to worry about his teammates looking for him. He skipped his steps as he excitedly ran down the stairs and into the outside to get some fresh air. His father told him getting morning sunlight is good for your skin, that's why he does it on the daily. He basked in the sunlight for a few seconds before heading to the cafeteria to get his fill.


A loud booming voice of a man came from behind, m/m turned to see none other than bokuto. His hair was surprisingly down and not in it's usual upward pose. It flows freely as the boy basically jumps in every step he make.

Behind the third year was the poor second year, m/n felt bad as he watch the boy keep his eyes open. Or maybe it's just his usual feature, m/n didn't bother fussing about the boy as he watch bokuto come close to him.

"Good morning bokuto-san, akaashi-san"

M/n greeted, bowing to them in a most polite way possible. He still can't fathom he's this close to the ace he always watched. But he managed to compose himself as he realized he will be practicing, well, his team will buy he digress, with the other teams for a few weeks.

Bokuto and akaashi greeted him back, albeit the ace has more enthusiasm, as to be expected from him. It has not been a day or two since he interacted with him and he already expected such behaviour.

"How was your sleep, akaashi-san?"

M/n was sandwiched by the two, bokuto on his left rambling about his dreams last night, while akaashi was on his right side keeping himself quiet as usual. M/n decided to strike a small talk, seeing him always tired kind of made him concerned. Akaashi flashed him a small smile before replying.

"I slept well, thank you for asking"

M/n nodded as he turned to look at bokuto who was still rambling about the wild dream he had in full detail. Akaashi watch as the two talk about the ace's dream. He was fairly surprised to see someone who can match up bokuto's enthusiasm, to think that the boy was a fan of the ace was beyond belief at first but he saw the similiarities between the two.

"I know right!! and you were in my dream!! you were playing volleyball and you were the ace!!"

Bokuto exclaimed, jumping from the intense story telling he's been doing, while m/n was watching him. His mouth formed an 'o' while sparkles formed in his eyes. They reached the cafeteria to see the managers preparing the breakfast.

M/n was about to part ways with the two but was quickly held back by bokuto and dragged to the seat where akaashi was seated.

"You're going to sit with us!"

M/n felt nervous as he heard those words, he rigidly looked at bokuto, a frightened-nervous smile was on his face.

(for reference, this is what i want yall to imagine your face)

(for reference, this is what i want yall to imagine your face)

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