Chapter 30

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Time flies truly flies whenever you have fun huh?

Leaving people and the place you grew to love and hate, is something anyone find difficulty on not getting emotional. It is said that once said and done, everything will change. In need to start of a new life, in a new place, new faces.

Something m/n never really liked doing, or seeing someone go. Now was the day the third years graduate from their last year in seijoh and into becoming a college student.

"Thank you for everything! Senpais! ans Captain!"

The rest of the players, including m/n bowed in honor as they shouted in unison. Infront of them was the formally dressed third years, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Oikawa Tooru, and Iwaizumi Hajime.

All were holding their diplomas, smiles were etched along their beautiful hand crafted faces. M/n retracted from his previous position to take in the last remaining hours of being their kouhai.

"Thank you for everything as well. Do well, no matter what, we'll always be your senpais"

Iwaizumi calmly spoke, while beside him were emotional soon to be college students. Well, everyone was trying not to cry, for them to see the people they have created bonds for so many years, all those memories and lessons will always be in their heart.

"Quit being professional iwaizumi and let's do one last group hug!"

Hanamaki exclaimed opening his arms as he ran towards the second and first years who were itching to burst into tears.

"We will miss you hanamaki-san!"

"I'll miss you too brats"

They all shared one big hugs, each third years took their turns, one was emotional than the others. After that was done, everyone has finally calmed down and started preparing for their morning practice, with the exception of the third years of course.

They decided to watch them a little bit more, take in the reality that they are finally closing this current chapter of their lives, and was bound to open a new one.

"M/n, come here"

Matsukawa called out to the h/c-nette, making him stop all of the things he was doing and went straight to him.

He looked at them as he wait for one of them to speak, but matsukawa's throat felt dry, instead, he reached out to the younger's head, ruffling him before pulling him close.

"I'll miss you, m/n."

And with those four words, m/n's tears began to flow like the Niagara falls. A sense of panic settled in matsukawa's vein, as he pulls out his handkerchief and wiped the boy's cheek.

He whispered but sweet things to him until he finally calmed down. Matsukawa smiled as he stare at the man infront of him, the man he'd always think of every night, every waking hour. The man he'd always want to see first thing in the morning.

He hugged him tight before giving him a kiss on the head.

"See you later"

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