Chapter 25

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M/n was given the whole day as his free time, since the class decided to switch things up a bit, they changed the theme for today. And this time, they decided to take students of aoba johsai down memory lane, and by that i mean, their theme was an 80's summer night life.

Quite peculiar but nonetheless, their supervisor did not find anything offensive or inappropriate with it, and was surprisingly delighted to know that her class wanted to do something related to the 80's. So she went on giving them details about what it's like to be out for a stroll in the busy streets of tokyo and stuff.

While, m/n on the other hand, did not waste any time idling and listening to the older's chatter for he has important things to do. Not really, he just wanted to get away and play as many games as possible and eat sweets.

M/n skipped his steps towards various stalls where he was greeted with big smiles, and scrumptious delicacies that he himself had not expected to find in a place like this.

As he gobbles down the treat he failed to notice a certain fairly attractive, at least to my book, setter approaching him. It was only when he tapped him by his shoulder did he noticed the boy's presence.

M/n gave a wide smile to yababa, as the boy returned the gesture, albeit a bit more blushing than smiling.

"Hey yahaba! Wassup?"

Yahaba scratched his nape as he went beside m/n, ordering a drink for himself. M/n looked at him weirdly, which he noticed and raised a brow.

"Is there something wrong with my face?"

He asked, as he starts feeling conscious about his appearance, feeling his cheeks, nose and any parts of his face. M/n shook his head.

"Why did you only ordered a drink?"

Yahaba sweatdropped and gave the boy a clueless look.

"Because i'm not hungry...?"

He replied, before taking the drink he ordered, giving his thanks and money in exchange for it. He took a sip and smiled as he felt his thirst being quenched.

"I'll treat ya! And maybe you'll feel the hunger"

M/n exclaimed happily, ordering the same dish he was having, but this time it was for yahaba. Yahaba held the boy's arm in an attempt to stop him but alas, it was futile.

"You didn't have to do that y'know, i have my money and i'm just not really hungry"

He reasoned out, sighing as he felt a bit guilty for having m/n treat him. M/n wrapped his arms around yahaba who got flustered from the sudden contact.

"Ehhh! Either way, i wanna treat you! i wanna see your cute smile"

M/n teased, his face was up close to yahaba's making the setter even more embarrassed. But the boy has to admit, m/n has smooth ass skin. He wonders if he can ask him for some skincare routine once he collected himself.

Yahaba became even more red when his brain processes what m/n said.

'i wanna see your cute smile'

It was more than enough to set his flames on fire, fortunately, m/n was too busy finishing his dish to notice the now enflamed boy.

Soon enough, yahaba received his dish which he gratefully accepted, albeit looking a bit pale and his limbs were wobbly. He took a moment to stare at the food until he noticed m/n was looking at him. He glanced at him to see that he was proud..?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

M/n shook his head and shoo'd the boy to continue on eating the food infront of him.

"Don't keep the food waiting shigeru~"

Yahaba tensed up from the use of his first name, and so he took a deep breath for taking a bite of the dish. His eyes glimmer in surprise as it felt like clouds in his mouth.

He was in love with the taste, he wanted more. And so dug in, making m/n laugh proudly at the boy's actions.

"Another job well done, m/n"

He mumbled to himself, dusting away the imaginary dust in his shoulders as a smug look across his face.


Sorry for the short chapter! I am currently not feeling well, i promise i'll update tomorrow or soon. Thank you for reading!!

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