Chapter 16

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The seijoh's coach eyes widened as he read the content of the email sent to him by a school administrator/s all the way from tokyo.

He couldn't contain his excitement as he ran past the students towards the gym where the players were currently doing their morning practice.

He opened the door with such haste, the players turned to him with curious eyes and questioning looks. They gathered and formed a circle as ordered by the coach.

"Excuse my unprofessional state, but i just received an invitation from one of tokyo's powerhouse. Nekoma, they were inviting us for a training camp along with other powerhouses."

Coach irihita exclaimed, the boys can see how happy he was and they were glad to see him like that, and of course such opportunity was given upon them, they all huddled up and celebrated.

M/n entered the gym, as per request of the captain to lend a hand every practice. He still isn't used with the new system he has for himself but he's getting a hang of it. He skipped happily before pushing open the gym door with a smile and a cheerful greeting for the players.


Various greetings met the bright boy. He smile got bigger as he enters the gym, he bowed to the coach as a sign of respect and started tending to what he was told.

As he was tending to it, watari shinji, seijoh's libero approached m/n.

"M/n-san, have you heard? We will be joining nekoma and other school in a training camp!"

He exclaimed, m/n had stars instead of eyes as he heard the news. He held both shinji's hand and started jumping up and down, while the libero mirrored the boy's action.

"That's so cool! Do you know who are the other schools?"

Curiousity laced in the boy's tone as he stopped jumping and stared shinji right in his eyes, full of hope. Seems like he was expecting a specific answer. Shinji fumbled with his words but got the message across.

"W-well, i don't know...sorry m/n-san.."

He looked away, feeling the embarrassment setting in, but m/n cupped his cheeks and made him look straight in the eyes. Seriousness was evident within the boy's face.

"It's totes okay shinji! Don't be embarrassed!"

His face morphed into a funny looking one. Shinji couldn't help but let out a chuckle from the boy's action. While, the others who were watching intently were glaring daggers to the poor libero.

Sensing the imminent danger, he slowly removed m/n's hands from his face and slid his way back to his position before.

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"Guess shinji beat me to it"

A voiced emerged from m/n's behind, he turned to see none other than, iwaizumi hajime. M/n immediately had a big smile upon his face and greeted the boy with such enthusiasm.

"Hey Haji!"

Iwaizumi couldn't help but smile at the boy's own nickname for him, he mentally squealed as he promised himself that he'll forever treasure this memory.

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