Chapter 26

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Joyful screams and chants came out of every child, teens and even adults mouth. They all looked awestruck as the moment they enter the aoba johsai during this time.

I mean, what can you expect? It's a private school.

"So yahaba! Do you have any plans for today? if not, wanna come with me and-"

The boisterous second year rambled, each word comes out of his lips is an inch closer to the setter's face. Yahaba covered m/n's mouth to prevent any of his dignity stripped away from him.

"C-calm down, i don't have any plans and yes, i'll come with you."

Yahaba replied, his hands felt clammy as he watches the boy bottle up his emotion, mainly excitement till he explodes.

"Yippee!! Let's go yahaba! i have so much games that i wanna try! so get your ass in gear cuz we're going to be here for a long long time!"

Yahaba swallowed his saliva harshly as he saw the glint of mischief shone in the boy's eyes.

He was pulled harshly towards a stall full of stuff toys and and various colorful things that can stimulate a child's brain, one could only conclude that they were prizes and nothing but a scam off your loose change with it.

But of course, this didn't stop m/n, seeing that he practically had rainbows on his eyes, yahaba only sweatdropped as the mental image of m/n being a hunk changes into a man-child. A cute one atleast.

"Let's play this!!"

He exclaimed, shaking the setter up and down, the stall owner only looked at them awkwardly as he thought of them as a cute couple.

"What a cute couple"

He blurted, he himself was surprised with what he said, he quickly covered his mouth the moment he realized what he said. The two slowly turned to him, the brunette was blushing furiously while the h/c-nette has a faint blush but has kept a dumb look.

The owner bowed as he apologized to them profusely, he had his hands clapped together in a prayer position.

"It's fine, old man! Besides you told us we look cute together right?"

M/n quickly reverted back to his normal self, putting his hand to yahaba's shoulder, who was still processing what the old man said.

"Don't we look cute together baby?"

He joked around, calling yahaba a pet name, while the poor setter hasn't processed the events earlier, another one came hurdling in. Steams came out of his head as he bumped two of his index fingers together face red as cherry.

"Eh? are you okay baby- i mean yahaba?!"

M/n frantically asked, waving around his hand as he panic what to do whilst the setter was not replying his mind was currently going on shutdown. The mere call sign made his heart flutter, and made him feel butterflies in his stomach. It was, nice but also stressful for him. He can't seem to sort out what to say.

M/n continued to panic, and he did what any rational person would.

He sweeped the boy from his feet and lifted him in bridal style. The two gained attention from the bystanders, some where whispering and judging and some were fangirling due to the position the two were in.

"Wh-what are you doing! Let me down!"

Yahaba finally got a grasp of reality and hugged m/n tightly, scared to fall. M/n didn't mind and continued running towards somewhere.

Yahaba found himself staring at m/n's face as he runs. He wanted nothing more than to caress the boy's cheeks and maybe kiss him as well.

They finally arrived at the nurse's office, the nurse was surprised to see the two, and quickly tended to them. Asking various questions why and how and concluded that despite yahaba's reassurance that's fine, the nurse and m/n was nor convinced and made him get some rest just in case.

Yahaba drooped down as he accepts his defeat and laid down in one of the beds in the room.

After a while, m/n came in.

"Hello, yahaba"

Yahaba only glanced at him and sighed, turning towards the wall, not wanting to talk to the male.

M/n let out an air-y laugh with his nose, placing his left leg ontop of his right one before resting his head on his hand.

"C'mon yahaba, y'know im just looking out for you"

He cooed, like a mother trying to win his son with a piece of candy after telling him that he isn't allowed to play on the playground.

Yahaba ignored him, to be perfectly honest, he wasn't mad that the boy was concerned for him. He just doesn't know why he's acting like this, that specific memory keeps on replaying on his mind, the more he denies his admiration for the second year, the more absurd his memory became.

Each of it became something more..bizarre for the lack of better term. He can't face m/n right now, not when he's beet red once more.

He patiently waited for him to reply but only met with even more silence. He grunted before deciding to sit beside yahaba, making the setter flinch.

He laid as well, and decided to hug the boy. He found nothing wrong with hugging someone while their back is turned right? Right. For yahaba, it was a MAJOR thing. Not only he was battling his feelings, he has to keep himself still as he felt m/n's touch, realising what the boy was doing, he decided to not open his mouth and enjoy the warmth brought my the male.

M/n nuzzled his face on yahaba's nape. Poor brunette was fighting for his life.

Soon enough, yahaba felt m/n's steady breathing he concluded that the boy fell asleep. He slowly turned to face him, he smiled sweetly at the sight of the boy who was peacefully sleeping.

He combed through the boy's hair, He positioned himself a bit higher that the boy's head. Putting m/n's head to his chest.

Yahaba felt calm, relaxed. He felt like everything doesn't matter as long as m/n's was in his arms.

He inhaled deeply taking in m/n's scent. He smelled minty, probably his shampoo yahaba thought, Despite the smell of alcohol, fresh band aids etc. M/n smelled cozy, something that you would immediately smell whenever you come back from a long day of work or school. The scent of familiarity. To yahaba, he smelled like home, his home.

Yahaba used to be skeptical of the saying of "A home can also be a person" or something like that, but now that he's come face to face with someone like m/n. He can't deny the fact that someone can really be called 'home'.



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