Kyotani Ending

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Love is complicated, you feel weird things because of a certain someone. You feel sad if you don't see them, yet you're so overjoyed whenever you ever slightly hear their voice.

And kyotani hated that, he hated the fact that he relies on someone to feel happiness. Yet, whenever he looks at m/n, all the frustration, fatigue, and other negative emotions he's holding onto slowly dissipates into dust.

He couldn't quite deduce how can someone like m/n make him feel like these? How dare he, but whenever kyotani lays on his bed every night, his mind always wanders at the image of m/n.

Him smiling, laughing, pouting, frowning heck, even when he has that devious smile! That's how infatuated he is with m/n.

Sometimes he would wake up from a dream of the past, where m/n accepted his confession.

A groan was let out by the frowning male, rubbing his eyelids rather harshly, mumbling profanities as the morning glow hits his face.

A ring emitted from his smartphone, a rather soft tune played as kyotani struggles to find his cellular under the covers of his bed.

Once he felt the rectangular gadget, he held it close to him, to inspect what was the cause of the sound.



Ah. His previous scowling face turned into a shocked one, a pleasantly shocked look. Panicking over everything he took his sweet time before answering the call.


"Kyo-my bro my babes!! Finally you answered...!"

A blush formed in kyotani's face, earning a growl from him.

"Don't call me those stupid names!"

"Sheesh, kyo chill, anyways, i called you because im infront of your house, so come out so we can both come to school together!"

He explained, kyotani's eyes grew wide as he jumped out of his bed towards his window, and there he saw m/n in his school uniform smiling, waving his free hand.

Kyotani quickly retreated and bolted downstairs, albeit, his attire wasn't appropriate for receiving guests, it's m/n. So anything for him.

He opened the door, his face was red, only it was then he realised that his boxer was the only thing that's keeping him clothed.


M/n hurdled, not caring what the boy's attire was and immediately hugged him, squishing his cheeks against kyotani's.

"Get off me! I haven't showered yet"

"Yeah, smells like it"

M/n teased, as he was pried off of the boy who was walking away to get himself ready, but quickly stop in his way and turned to m/n slowly.


"Eek!! nothing nothing! Keep going i'll wait for you"

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