Chapter 20

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The cold harsh wind blew past the boy's face. He stares off to a distance as the realisation of the day has ended. He inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes to recount his steps earlier.

A smile crept up on his face as he remembers the smiles, laughter and bond he shared with the players. He never knew he'd meet such lively people in his life.

He always imagined that the world is full of serious people who never have fun in their life. And if ever they had fun, their fun is either an gambling addiction or a crippling obsession with alcohol or drugs.

He embraced himself as he felt chilly, only his sweatshirt and shorts were his attire at night. He contemplated on whether retreating back inside, but he decided to sit back and think for a while.

He drew circles in his arms as he let the time pass. A sudden rush of coldness hit the right side of his face, making him jump in surprise, he held the affected side and turned in horror to whoever did that.

He saw mattsun wheezing as he held two can of soda. M/n assumed it was for him and for someone else. He pouted as he rubbed his cheek, wiping the wet part.

"Not funny, issei."

"It is to me"

He playfully glared, as he scootched over to give mattsun a place to sit. Well, m/n assumed that was the boy's intention for interrupting his solitude.

Mattsun took the space and passed the can of soda to m/n, hearing a mumble of gratitude from the boy as he proceeded to open his own can.

He took a big sip before making an satisfied sound, which m/n looked at him with a held back smile. He didn't mind, he liked m/n's gaze onto him, if only he was brave enough he would've hugged the boy here and there and claim him as his own.

"So, what got you sitting here all alone?"

He asked, crossing his arms before laying his head facing m/n. An innocent smile was displayed as he studied the boy's feature once more. Mattsun can never get tired of staring at m/n.

"Nothing, just contemplating about life and shit"

Mattsun wouldn't really take m/n as someone who would contemplate his life, he was always seen to be energetic, so reckless. But that one single moment of them being alone in the arcade opened a door that he never knew existed. A door to m/n's true feelings.

To him, m/n was more interesting than volleyball, m/n was more appetising than a a cheese-filled burger steak. He was more inclined to listen to m/n than any of the songs in his playlist. To mattsun, m/n was something more than just...m/n.

"If you're feeling down, you can always talk to me"

He offered, deep down he hoped that the boy would accept his offer. His heart flutters everytime he witness m/n's small things that he does when he's with him.

"Heh, no thanks, don't wanna bother you with my sob story"

"Besides...! i really have nothing to tell anyone, i was just thinking how lucky i am to meet you guys, that's all."

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