Chapter 24

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School’s festivals are now in session for the aoba johsai students. Various stalls, themed classrooms, games and so much more were scattered all over what used to be a learning facility. The walls were plastered with different wallpapers corresponding to the class they’re owned to. Cheers and laughter and sometimes occasional running was heard and seen by m/n. The mere thought of him running these familiar halls without any repercussion sounds delightful to him, he sighed dreamily as he plans out his unsuspecting victim of hide and seek.

But before he could even step foot outside their classroom he felt a hand grab his right shoulder, he momentarily had a brain fart before turning to see who was holding him back. “up up up m/n, you’re not going anywhere” a sadistic smile was on their beloved president’s face. He was dressed in a fashionable outfit, something an idol would wear, he pulls his other hand up to show what he was holding to the boy. It was an idol outfit as well but a female variation of it. Instead of a blue color it was a pink. It was something any man who has a fragile masculinity’s greatest weakness on the contrary, m/n was nowhere near on being that kind of boy, and instead his eyes sparkled when he saw the outfit, getting a dumbfounded look from mori and the others.

“Can I wear that?!” The boy excitedly asked, getting ahold of the piece of clothing and already putting on top of his clothed body already. The others was left in shock as they did not expect this kind of reaction from him. Mori sighed before admitting his supposedly devious plan.

(That's the outfit, but less skin showing? yeah couldn't find any other outfit that matches my idea sorry!)

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(That's the outfit, but less skin showing? yeah couldn't find any other outfit that matches my idea sorry!)

“It was supposed to embarrass you but it seemed you liked it, but yes, You’ll be wearing that for the whole school festival duration. You’ll be partnered with me when we greet and serve the customers er.. fellow students” Mori explained rubbing circles in his own palm. M/n’s class chose the theme of idol-like vibe, specifically a newly debuted style. The whole hall and room was filled with custom made idol posters for the purpose of  achieving the idol-like vibe. Various stick lights will be given as well upon entering the room and the customers get to choose which of the idols they want to hang out for an hour, or more depending on the customer’s pay. It’s kind of like a host club if I may say so. They thought the idea of a clumsy new idols would attract the festival customers.

It seemed they were right as the time for their booth to open, a bunch of students and various visitors entered their classroom. M/n was one of the hosts standing near the entrance to greet the customers with a lively tone.

“Welcome! Let’s have tons of fun!” They greeted each one of the customers, until a certain group of third years entered the booth. “I told you iwa-chan, this looks promising!” persuaded by a familiar brunette to the spiky haired third year, behind them was the mischievous duo.

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